What was hidden, will be found.

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Obi-wan walked to the controls of the ship and left Coruscant. He chuckled to himself.
"Now then. I don't doubt that Maul is on his way. Best to tell him that I'm fine and alone." He thought to himself before typing in a code. "He's probably using Ventress's ship."

Maul paced back and forth as Fury piloted the ship. All if a sudden the transmitter started beeping.
"Maul, there an incoming transmission." Fury announced
"From who?" Maul growled
"It's from a republic ship sir." Fury looked at him "Shall I put it through?"
Maul nodded and his heart jumped when he saw that it was Obi-wan. "Obi-Wan! Are you ok? They didn't hurt you did they?"
"Maul, I'm fine. They didn't even try to hurt me." Obi-wan spoke
"Good, if they even thought about it," Maul growled and Obu-wan cut him off with his laughter.
"You, are too protective Maul." Obi-wan smiled. "So. Maul I promised you a hunt." As soon as Obi-wan mention the hunt, Maul smiled and a purr-like sound rose loudly in his chest. "Shall we return to Dathmir?"
"Yes and in doing so we can reassure everyone that you're safe." Maul added humming
"Alright then, I'm on my way to you." Obi-wan smiled back at him. Suddenly Obi-wan's ship shook and a loud bang. The transmission cuts off.
Maul waisted no time. "Fury get the location of his ship and take us there!"

Kenobi held a baster gun cursing himself that Maul still had his lightsaber.
"Ah! Kenobi!" A mechanical voice said in amazement. "What are you doing here on a ship all alone?"
"Grievous." Kenobi hissed "What are you doing boarding a ship with only one life form on it?"
"An easy capture." Grievous laughed
"More like scavenging." Kenobi scoffed then the ship shook again. "Honestly I could do without the shaking." Soon they heard footsteps and see Maul.
"Grievous" Maul growls holding both his and Obi-wan's lightsabers. "Kenobi is mine."
Grievous laughed with a cough "Kenobi will be taken to Count Dooku as an enemy."
"You're missing one point Grievous. I'm no longer a Jedi." Obi-wan pointed out
"What do you mean?" Grievous asked confused
"In the Jedi Code, it forbids Jedi from having any relationships. I have decided to break my vows to the code to be with Maul. So..." Obi-wan paused a bit embarrassed "I'm his mate now and honestly I don't really care what the other Jedi think." Obi-wan admitted
Grievous stood there for a few moment to let Maul sink in the confession, but then he laughed loudly. "A Jedi and a Sith?! You fell in love with!?" After Grievous attempts to pull himself from his laughter, Maul pushed Grievous down with the force and he kept laughing. "OK. OK." He coughed as his laughter subsided. "I'll let you go this once. I may or may not tell Dooku about this." He chuckled "But I'll tell him that you are no longer an immediate threat to the Separatist." After that Grievous' ship picked him up off the ship and Maul hummed once they were alone. He walked over to Obi-wan and Obi-wan surprised him with a hug.
Not excepting the hug Maul stood still. "Are you alright Obi-wan?"
"I'm sorry Maul." Obi-wan buried his face in between Maul's neck and shoulder.
Maul wrapped his arms around Obi-wan. "About what?" He asked softly
"Everything." He answered "Everything I didn't do before. I should have stopped my master. I should of never attacked you every time you came near. I should of never of hurt you like," as Obi-wan apologized Maul lifted Obi-wan's head and silenced him with a kiss.
No matter how much Obi-wan wanted and didn't want the kiss he let it go on for a bit longer. He squirmed once he thought it was enough and pushed out of the kiss.
"I'm sorry." Obi-wan repeated and couldn't make eye contact with Maul without tempting him to go on. He turned his back to Maul. "We should get back to Fury." He said quietly and he felt Maul loom behind him.
"She can wait for a bit can't she?" Maul whispered into his loves ear and kissed his neck.
Obi-wan's head swirled with possible outcomes of this scenario and he shivered at them and at Maul's light kisses on his neck.
Obi-wan snaked his hand up to Maul's head and rubbed against one of the horns that crowned Maul's head. Maul hummed at the feeling. Obi-wan didn't want it to go on any longer. He used some information the Nightsisters told him. That males horns were sensitive and if you ever wanted to get out of a situation with them, then dig your nails and fingertips into the base of one of them. And Obi-wan did just that and Maul hissed against Obi-wan's neck then moved his head back.
Obi-wan cleared his throat with a slight blush on his face. "Now then, save it for after the feast, Maul." A smile grew on Maul's face behind Obi-wan. Obi-wan shivered feeling the smile burn into him. Did he really just make a silent promise to let Maul have his way with him after the feast? No, of course not. Or at least that is what he hoped.

Hello readers! Author here :3 if you liked this chapter please give it a vote! I have also decided that this will have many more chapters coming and the possibility of some magic happening ;) see you all in the next chapter!

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