Ritual part 1

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Maul sat in the co-pilot seat next to Fury and groaned.
"So I'm guessing things didn't go well?" She looked at him
"No everything is fine, sister. He just needs to settle in." Maul said then he typed in some coordinations
"Where are we going?" Fury looked at the coordinations and was confused
"It's a planet that has no inhabitants so if he tries to run," Maul paused as his sisters mouth dropped in realization of what he was planning.
"I didn't figure you would try to do it so soon." Fury chuckled
"Well I think my dear Jedi will get the picture once we land." Maul smirked looking back at the door as he said it loud enough for Obi-wan to hear.

Once they land, Fury entered Obi-wan's room. She chuckled as she saw him standing up. She walked over to him and quickly pulled his hands behind his back.
"What are you doing?" He asked and struggled a bit, but stopped knowing it was useless. She pushed him over to the door. "Where are we going?"
"I'm dropping you off on the planet below." Fury smiled as he looked around the ship
"Where's Maul at?" He said with a calm voice, but on the inside he was scared. He counted himself lucky that she didn't know how to use the force to tell how he truly felt.
She laughed at him as she opened the hatch and walked him out onto the planet. "He's out there somewhere. I wish you the best of luck Jedi."
"Luck? Why luck?" Obi-wan couldn't keep his curiosity low now, he had to know what was happening.
"Well he didn't say anything about not telling you what this is." She started keeping the smirk on her face. "This is to determine whether you and him should..." She stretched out her last word as she thought of a way to put it. "I guess you would say, whether you both belong together." She took him off the ship.
"Belong together?! And... uh, how is this going to prove it?" He asked calmly even though he was confused and she started to walk back onto the ship. "Where are you going? What going on?"
"He's going to hunt you down! So I suggest that you start running! I dropped him off not too far from here!" Before he could react, he saw the hatch to the ship closing and she took off into the atmosphere.
He started running into the dense jungle that she dropped him off in. He had no clue where Maul could be and he had no doubt that Maul could smell him already.
After running for a long time, Obi-wan found a river and he hoped that he was far away from Maul. He decided to jump into the deep river hoping it would cause Maul to lose his scent. He went downstream a bit before swimming to the other side. He then quickly looked at the trees hoping to find some branches close enough together that he possibly make a shelter out of. When he arrived, the sun looked like it was at its highest point and now it was setting. He had no clue of what kind of creatures lived on this planet. He hoped that being up in the trees it would decrease his chances of being found or attacked.
He soon found two trees that branches intertwined he climbed up one of the trees and laid down on the twisting branches. He took a deep breath and hoped the next rotation he would be able to find some kind of village that had a sort of spacecraft that he could leave in. With that thought he fell asleep.

Obi-wan woke up to some kind of noise around him. He slowly opened his eyes to look in front of him. All he saw was the emptiness of the jungle. He slowly sat up and carefully looked at the ground. He noticed nothing beneath the branches or around the trees. He looked behind him and to his relief there was only the more intertwining branches and other trees. Taking a deep breath to ensure his calm state, he laid back down. It probably was just his imagination, he thought, or a wild animal. Now that he thought about it a bit more, Maul did act like a wild animal at times. He sighed and turned to his side. He thought about the previous battles he and Maul had. How every time they fought Maul would take his lightsaber out first and during the fights how Maul just stared at him. Maul often circled him during the middle of battles as if he was thinking if the next thing to do. Obi-wan often wondered what was going on in Maul's head when he was circling him all those times.

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