Could this be betrayal?

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"Master! Master wake up!" Anakin shook Obi-wan as they blasted through space.
Obi-wan groaned and leaned on his elbow and looked around.
"What? Where am I?" Obi-wan rubbed his head
"Safe. That's what." Anakin spoke up sitting back "You were about to become dead meat left for those animals back there."
"Wait." Obi-wan looked around and saw Anakin and Ahsoka. "Wait why am I on a ship?"
"You told us to pick you up Master Obi-wan." Ahsoka answered him
"Where are we heading?" Obi-wan asked now with worry.
"We're en route to Coruscant, Master." Anakin replied
"Coruscant?!" Obi-wan sat up quickly
"Yes Master, we're taking you back to the Jedi Temple where you'll be safe." Anakin walked to the door
"No! We can't go there, Anakin." Obi-wan denied
"What? What do you mean then? You said you wanted to pick you up. So we're taking you to the Jedi Temple where it would be safe." Ahsoka questioned and stated
"No, we just can not go there!" Obi-wan stated "If we go there everyone will get hurt."
"Your talking about a temple fill with trained Jedi, Master." Anakin stated
"Fine we can go to Coruscant, but I'm not leaving off of this ship." Obi-wan stated
"What?! But master!" Anakin started
"I had promise Maul that he could hunt me down, Anakin, since what he tried to do  earlier had failed." Obi-wan cut him off
"Hunt you down?!" Anakin then cut him off "What in the world do you mean hunt you down?!"
"Maul and I were placed on a planet alone with what I believe to have no civilized inhabitants. What was happening was a ritual. A mating ritual of sorts." Obi-wan started "When we were on that planet, I was attacked by creatures, and when I was being attacked I was hurt and Maul didn't leave me for dead. He protected me and fought off those creatures. While he was protecting me a creature was going after him and I don't know exactly what I was thinking, but I had pushed him out of danger. Out of the whole time I've been near him he hasn't laid a single finger on unless I told him he could."
"Wait. Wait. Master, you're saying your went through a mating ritual with him?!" Anakin asked shocked
"Technically yes. It was never completed though. Due to that attack Maul took me back on his ship and he healed my arm. When we were on Dathomir, Mother Talzin even said even though the female dominate the planet, the males will know when they found their mate and lifelong partner. When I was talking to the Nightsisters they said it even went out to the point where the male would follow and chase their mate until their mate decides it's time for them to be together." Obi-wan explain more
"From what I think you're saying is that to Maul, your his mate and to him you're like the female side. I guess, because from what I know Dathomir males listen to the female even under any situation." Ahsoka thought out loud
"OK Ahsoka, you have officially grossed me out." Anakin spoke up in the conversation
"Well yes, Ahsoka that is what I think too and I had promise Maul a hunt and if we port this ship into Coruscant then we would be potentially putting the entire planet at risk." Obi-wan continued speaking.
"Master, you do remember Jedi are not allowed to have relationships like that." Anakin reminded him "It is absolutely forbidden. You would be kicked out of the Council and relieved of being a Jedi."
"Yes Anakin, I remember it well. It is what kept Duchess Satine and I apart." Obi-wan replied
"And that monster killed her!" Anakin bursted "He killed your master! Doesn't that make you hate him?"
"It is not right of a Jedi to hate Anakin." Obi-wan said calmly
"And it isn't right for a Jedi to love either!" Anakin continued on "It's much worse especially when one comes to love a Sith Lord! Maul is a Sith Lord Master! How did you ever even come to trusting him?"
"I'm not sure Anakin." Obi-wan said quietly "All I know is that Maul is on his way to come and get me and if he finds you two with me, you'll both die."
"But this was your plan Master." Ahsoka spoke up
"I know it was Ahsoka, but I realize that all that this plan has done was put others in danger." Obi-wan looked down continuing to speak softly.
"Great then! What are we suppose to do now?" Anakin asked agitated
"When we arrive on Coruscant, you both will leave this ship and go to the council and report that I was not on Dathomir. That it was all just a trap set up by Ventress." Obi-wan explained
"What about you Master?" Ahsoka asked softly
"I'll keep Maul away from Republic reaches to... Well, keep him safe." Obi-wan answered her
"Keep him safe?! Master, that animal has killed countless numbers of innocent people!" Anakin supported his own side
"I know Anakin I have been everywhere that was touched by Maul." Obi-wan replies remaining calm. "But if I am near him perhaps I can stop him from killing."
"Stop that monster from killing? The day I see that beast turn good is the day  I die." Anakin finishes and leaves the room to the cockpit and Ahsoka quickly follows behind him to calm him down.
Obi-wan decides to lay down and he closes his eyes. Throughout everything that has happened he thought he deserved some sleep that wasn't battle influenced.

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