Unknown danger

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Obi-wan was sitting with the sisters sipping on some water as he answered questions the Nightsisters had about him the best he could.
"Well, well, well. Look at this." A familiar female voice spoke behind him. "Looks like the Jedi is enjoying his time here on Dathomir."
"Ventress." Fury growled standing between Ventress and Obi-wan. "You not welcomed at this celebration. Leave before Maul and the others come back." She warned her
"I have come for what's mine." Ventress spoke up obviously pissed off
"He's not yours Ventress! Maul has claimed him, your too late!" A Nightsister spoke up
Ventress knocked her out of the way with the force and grabbed him by his robe. "You're coming with me Kenobi. Whether you like it or not." After that said she started to drag him away.
Equipping a bow and arrow, a Nightsister stood up and aimed at Ventress. "Let him go Ventress! If you want Obi-wan take it up with Maul." After Ventress ignored her she released the arrow and Ventress sliced it with her lightsaber before it was any danger to her. She approached her ship while dragging Obi-wan as he struggled.
"Ventress!!!" Maul's voice roared as he finally arrived gripping his lightsaber.
"Oh look!" Ventress turned around facing Maul. "The former Sith is angry, oh no." She teased Maul as he came stomped closer to her. "Oh what would I ever do?" She said so dramatically as she let go of Obi-wan. He stumbled still feeling the effects of the drink trying to get away and get to Maul. She let him get half way to him before she used the force to choke him and lift him into the air back to her.
"Maul!" Obi-wan gasped realizing that he was the only one who could truly help him at this point.
"Aw! Did you hear that Maul? He's calling your name. How sweet." She sounded completely disgusted and irritated. Maul looked surprise as he never thought he would ever hear Obi-wan call to him for help. Although he was angered that Ventress was trying to take his mate away from him. Maul growled at her and the Nightbrother's blocked her from escaping on foot.
"How dare you Maul, you are in no position to be negotiating or fighting." Ventress threatened
"Drop him Ventress." Maul commanded and walked closer to them. "Put my mate down. Put my Kenobi down." He growled out the last words as Ventress laughed
"Your Kenobi?" She echoed "I'm afraid he won't be your Kenobi, because if you don't back off and call the Nightbrother clan off, your Kenobi will be a dead Kenobi." Maul glared at her wanting to call her threat bluff, but she lifted in higher in the air like she wanted everyone to see and she squeezed tighter around his neck.
Kenobi was gasping for air and tried to escape the invisible hand grasping his neck, but knew that he couldn't. He was able to find Maul in the crowd of Nightbrothers, who slowly backed away. Obi-wan could tell by the look in his eyes and by fighting him countless times, he was just stalling. But the reason could not make the connection in his mind. After all of his brothers back away Maul started to do the same. Obi-wan didn't know whether to be heart broken or that he should of known better then to trust a Sith.
Ventress laughed at the retreat "So you're backing down! How sweet you want to keep the little Jedi alive after all."
"I'm not backing down Ventress. I am simply calling you a fool." Maul explained "You may have been trained by Dooku, but it seems you have forgotten something important."
Ahsoka and Anakin quietly crept up on Ventress. While Ahsoka looked at Maul, who was just buying the two Jedi time for there attack, he nodded at her. After that Anakin used the to push Ventress to the ground toward the Nightbrothers and Maul caught Obi-wan before he hit the ground.
As Ventress got up she activated her lightsaber and ran at Anakin who was well prepare for the fight.
"Maul!" Ahsoka shouted "Get Master Kenobi somewhere safe." With that said she quickly went to help her master fight the witch. She watched as Maul looked Obi-wan over as if he wanted to make sure he was no farther harmed then what he saw. She saw a orange Zabrak male quickly go over to Maul. They talked quickly before the orange male took Obi-wan and ran off. She watched as the angry red Zabrak closed in on them and activating both his and Kenobi's lightsabers.
"Master, watch out!" Ahsoka warned Anakin as Maul joined the fight
"Ahsoka, I want to follow that Zabrak and find out where he's taking Master Kenobi." Anakin ordered
"You're going to fight both of them master?!" Ahsoka said surprised
"Just do what I say! Go now!" Anakin said and pushed the two villains to give Ahsoka time to run.

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