The need and the want

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Obi-wan looked around in the darkness hearing a door quietly shut and footsteps then voices.
"Get under the table and stay under there." A female said, Obi-wan looked closer and noticed it was a much younger version of Mother Talzin with a red skinned little boy with horns.
"Mother, what's going on?" The boy asked confused
"Shh, get under the table and stay quiet Maul." The young Mother Talzin said and pushed the boy under the table.
Maul? What is this? Where am I? Obi-wan thought and walked closer to her and watched her walk to the door of the room. She reached for the door until it swung open and she was struck by force lighting.
An old man in a cloak walked in "Where is the child?"
"You know I'll never tell you. Leave this planet is neutral you have no right to be here!" Mother Talzin said getting up shaking from being struck by the lighting.
As the man and Talzin fought, Obi-wan heard Maul crying under the battle noise. "Far above. Far above. Don't know where we'll fall. Far above. Far above. What once was great is rendered small." Obi-wan didn't know what it meant, but Maul kept repeating it until he noticed Mother Talzin fall. Obi-wan, upon Jedi instinct, ran to the child to pick him up and protect him. Although, his arms went right through him. He noticed the hooded man lower his hood. Sidious used the force to pull Maul out from under the table.
"No!!" Maul cried out trying to reach for Mother Talzin who didn't move from her spot on the ground. "Mother!!" Sidious took Maul from the room. Obi-wan pulled out his lightsaber and activated his and ran after them.
The hallway quickly turned into a training ground. Sidious was demanding Maul, with his new tattoos, to do things and when ever he failed to do so, Sidious hit him with force lighting. After countless times of being hit with the lighting, Obi-wan took a step to the child Maul and the area around him turned into a dark cave.
Obi-wan walked around in the cave then saw Maul. From his waist down he was a mechanical spider and he was crying.
Is this after our first encounter? Before this 10 years pasted? Obi-wan questioned himself.
Maul was repeating "Why?" And "How could he do that?" As time went on, Obi-wan watched as Maul's pain and sadness turn into anger and hatred.
Suddenly, the area changed and Maul and Savage were fighting Darth Sidious. The battle went on and Maul and Savage fought together until Sidious used the force to throw Maul against the wall. Once Maul stood up he saw Sidious stab Savage with both of his lightsabers.
At that moment. Obi-wan saw Maul's heart break once more as he kneeled next to his brother, who took his last breath. Before Maul could attack his old master and damage him he was hit with force lighting. For the first time he heard Maul beg for his life and for mercy. He begged terrified as he was hit again and again with force lighting.
After hearing Maul scream in pain, Obi-wan shot up from laying down. He looked around the room and noticed that it was just a dream. He felt beside him as he thought Maul was beside him asleep. He looked around the room again as if he did he would see Maul. Obi-wan felt great sadness in him and all he wanted to do was hold Maul and apologize.
Obi-wan felt confused, he wanted to stay loyal to the Jedi Code, but at the same time he yearned to be near Maul and understand him. The dream let him understand his rage and hatred. He didn't want to learn Maul through dreams and visions. He wanted to be next to Maul and hear how he sees things, how he understands things.
The relationship that Maul wanted between them scared him. He was never in a relationship remotely close to what Maul wanted. The closet he ever came to a relationship was with Duchess Satine.
He was entirely pure and innocent to the subject of relationships. As he stood up, he saw someone walking in. His mind flutter as he thought it was Maul.
He was saddened as he saw Ahsoka. "Oh you're awake now, Master Kenobi."
"Hello Ahsoka. Do you need anything?" Obi-wan asked
"Just to say goodbye. We're on Coruscant now." She explained and hugged him.
"And what about Anakin?" Obi-wan asked hugging her back
"You know he isn't good with goodbyes. He's waiting in the cockpit." Ahsoka said and they walked out of the room
"Anakin." Obi-wan spoke up and walked over to him "You know this isn't goodbye. You know well that we will be seeing each other again."
"Yes of course Master." Anakin put his hand out to shake Obi-wan's hand and Obi-wan pulled him into a hug. "I hope we see each other very soon Obi-wan."
"Same her Anakin. Now you best be on your way." Obi-wan said releasing his former apprentice
"Of course. Come on Ahsoka." Anakin said and after that they both left the ship.

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