A Telepath, a Soldier, and a Shape Shifter Walk into an Inn...

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"Maybe we should stop here for the night?" Phoena suggested, pausing near the outskirts of the small town they'd stumbled upon to wait for the boys.

"Yes please," Brady replied breathily, hunching over with his hands on his knees. His breathing was heavy, and his inky hair dangled in front of his eyes. "How are you not exhausted?" He gaped at the brimming shoulder bag she carried and the massive steel swords at her back and hip. Not only that, but the girl wore a synthetic armor. It was meant to be lightweight while still having the same protective ability as metal plating, but compared to Brady's own trousers and tunic, it was still a burden. His cloak might compare, but she wore one as well on top of the armor. "Aren't those things heavy?"

Phoena arched a brow at him. "I hardly notice them. I'm used to carrying around more than this, usually weaponry." She turned back, her eyes searching for the third member of their party in the darkness. It was well past the reasonable time for them to be out and about. The surrounding streets were only illuminated by the faint glow of lamps on the faces of the buildings. Despite the late hour, Callan seemed to be lazing his way over to meet them. "What's taking you?" she asked, tapping her fingers against the cool metal of her blade.

Callan strolled up silently. "Don't worry about me. I'm here now, aren't I?"

"We don't have time for you to be like this. We have to hurry." Phoena sighed, shaking her head at him. "Still, we need rest and shelter for tonight."

"There should be an inn somewhere, likely near the center of town," Brady offered. "Shall we take a look?" The other two nodded, Phoena and Brady walking in step as Callan lurked behind. Just as Brady had predicted, there was a small inn in the main square. A bell jingled softly from above their heads as the walked inside, a warm front of air greeting their chilled fingers and faces.

"Hello?" Phoena called, approaching the reception area. "Is there anyone here? We need to get a room."

A swirl of golden light twisted before her, and from it, sprung a woman with straw colored hair and a sweeping dress to match. The woman smiled brightly down at the girl. "My, my. Isn't that something?" she mused, sweeping at Phoena's cape to inspect her armor. The girl stepped back a pace, frowning at the sudden and unexpected motion. The woman giggled. "Sorry dear. I'm the innkeeper. Call me Raita, please. You said you needed a room? Just one for you and your friends?"

Phoena glanced back at Brady and Callan then nodded. "Just one should be fine. We're only staying until sun up."

Raita pursed her lips, nodding slightly. "Ah, I see. I'll prepare a room." Phoena passed her a few gold pieces, and the woman disappeared in the glinting light just as quickly as she'd appeared. Phoena waved the boys over, and together, the three waited patiently for her to return.

"All ready!" her cheery voice piped as she reappeared back at the counter with a smile. She passed Phoena a swirling golden key, labeled with a small three. "Have a wonderful evening dears!"

"Thank you very much." Phoena bowed her head graciously before following Brady and Callan up the small set of stairs that led to the rooms. They walked down the hall, counting to the third room, which was labeled identical to the key. She twisted the key in the slot, letting the boys bustle in, then followed. "It's a bit small," she commented, gazing about, "but it'll do." Callan, who had flopped down onto the small bed, grunted in agreement.

"You could at least consider being a gentleman and giving the lady the bed," Brady scolded, and Callan rolled over, glaring at him.

"Who said I wasn't going to, huh?" He snapped back.

Brady tapped his finger gently on his temple. "I know precisely what you're thinking."

"Get out of my head, you creep," Callan groaned.

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