...And Then, They Threw Him into the Volcano

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A/N: So, hello again, I've been sick this past week and for whatever reason, my mind thought that the best time to attempt finishing a new chapter here? All the same, new R U [ I ] N E D content, so yay! Hopefully it's up to par with what I've written for the story to this point and not just the convoluted ramblings of my fever brain. I always get self-conscious after a long hiatus, and this has been a LONG hiatus... I'm really sorry about that. Tried to make this a longer chapter as well, considering my last update was the shortest one in the either novel (yikes, also sorry about that too!) Anyways, enough of me babbling, hope y'all enjoy! ~ Rissa


"I feel like I'm being prepared as a sacrificial offering."

"Whoa, Sir Prince. I am the only pure and acceptable sacrifice here. You're unworthy. You'll have to live. My sincerest apologies, you royal pain in my ass." Undoubtedly not the honest truth, considering the fact that Brady well knew that most any of them there would serve as a perfectly acceptable offering in that regard... except for Erzia that was, since she refused to lower her guard long enough to allow him even a peek at her innermost thoughts. To say it put Brady even more on edge was an understatement of epic proportions, given that he'd have to put his faith in her to remove Callan's mind block, but at least his repartee with the Grand Commander's son felt familiar enough to steady the flurried thrumming in his chest. It did little to still his quaking hands, but that was another issue altogether as he clenched one hand then covered his fist with the open palm, squeezing firmly.

"If you really want a pain in your ass, you can take your sincere apologies and shove them—" Callan started before quickly being shut down by Erzia.

"Perhaps you don't want to antagonize him right before he goes traipsing around in your head. We wouldn't want any accidental reprogramming, now would we?" Their newest addition flicked her gaze between the two and let out an exasperated puff at the glances they exchanged. "Or maybe you do. If that's the case, by all means, don't let me stop you."

"Contrary to popular belief, I actually don't mind his royal princeliness the way he is." Brady paused a moment there, as if to consider any potential stipulations to that claim. "When he's not calling me Shrinkwrap. Or scolding me for using my powers. Or asking me to do things that I'm severely under-qualified to even attempt!"

"So just a majority of the time then." Phoena looked pointedly at Braedyn, who poured in return. "What? Am I wrong?"

"Well... no, but—" Brady started, rubbing over one of his knuckles with the pad of his thumb. "I just mean that..."

The blonde's lips crept into a knowing smile, and she nodded back at him. "Trust me," she assured him, "I understand." Better than anyone else there too, given the three of them had been together from the very start of this mission and Callan and Phoena had been at odds plenty, possibly even more than the prince and the mind reader had, strange a thing as that was given the feelings at play. Cal could be difficult, and that was something neither would deny, but even then, he had some truly admirable moments as well.

This, as far as Braedyn was concerned, was not one of them.

At Erzia's instruction, they'd had Callan lay out in the middle of the clearing as if he planned to take quick cat nap. According to Erzia, a resting state would make it easier to access Cal's mind, but it really did feel more like Brady was expected to perform an exorcism given the others lurking and hovering about— too ritualistic, especially when all Brady wanted was space. Sol and her cousins had the right idea, keeping near the outskirts of the clearing as they were, but Brady couldn't bring himself to tell Phoena and Sachi to back off, and he needed Erzia's help to navigate Cal's mind. He was just going to have to make do then and hope for the best.

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