A/N #2

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Rissa here, guys! It's been awhile since I've done one of these. Sorry about that. Life rushes on and sometimes there just aren't enough hours in the day to do what I just AND to write. That said, I hope you enjoyed the most recent chapter of this book! (Recently published, aka like five minutes ago!) I know I enjoyed writing it-- A LOT. Probably too much of we're being completely honest here.

I missed my sweet little babies-- And left them in quite a nasty predicament from Chapter Five. Poor Brady!

Now, with all that out of the way, let me get to what I dropped this author's note in here for in the first place, a couple little fun facts for you all! (Since I've already apologized for sucking at life and all that jazz...)

Ever read a story and wonder what Myers-Briggs personality type the characters would fall under? (I wonder some time, as it's cool to see that a charrie's is the same as mine! Which varies between INTP and INSP depending on the test I take.) Well, I'm more than happy to share what a few of our dear Runeholders are categorized as! (I literally sat at my computer, getting into each character's mindset and took the test. Repeatedly. So hopefully they're accurate enough, I swear I tried my best!)

First, Callentine de Jellal, the shapeshifter son of the Grand Commander, is an ISFP.

Miss Phoena Brineri, Commandant Ellinor's apprentice, is an ESTJ.

Shrink-wrap, aka our resident telepath, Braedyn Mienas, is an ENTP.

Last but certainly not least, is Miss Soleil Allifair (who you have yet to officially meet but will in the next two or three chapters), the seaside town of La Cierna's young sorceress, who is an ENFP.

Poor Callan. My introvert cutie pie stuck with all these extroverts. I know the struggle, buddy! Maybe he'll get lucky and one of the other two Runeholders will join him! (Probably because I can tell you now that, at least as I have them planned at the moment, Runeholders Numbers 5 and 6 are definitely introverted!)

Any readers out there with the same personality type? (I have to ask since I'm dying to know!)

Until the next installment my Watty friends, toodleloo! ~Rissa

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