Beware Magical Flowers Found in the Woods

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A/N: Sorry that the update is a few hours late! I managed to doze off at this afternoon, and before I knew it, the whole day had gone by! But it's here now, for your reading enjoyment. The first R U [ I ] N E D chapter for #WIPWednesday! If you would, leave me a comment or two after you read to let me know your thoughts on the story thus far, and maybe even a prediction or two on what's to come! Love y'all to the moon and back! ~Rissa


Callan's brows were knit together after a copious amount of time hunting for some mysterious— and clearly evasive— clue. He ground his teeth, quietly muttering curses under his breath. Meanwhile, Sachi being the precious child he was, weaved in and out of the seemingly never-ending trees with Callantine, pretending not to hear the shifter's foul sentiments. After more trudging, silence finally settled between the two, making the only sound that of the rain that still pounded down on them. Callan was soaked to the bone, his light hair darkened three shades by the water now dribbling off him, and the freezing cold left his body feeling stiff— almost as if he would have been frozen solid lest it got any colder. Sachi, on the other hand, was still wrapped in the shifter's dark cloak, shielding him from that same iciness that Callan was feeling.

"Callan?" the boy said softly as his gaze shifted to a faint glow that shone beyond a couple of shrubs. But he was only met by more silence. Callan was caught up by his own thoughts, much too preoccupied to hear Sachi's whisper as it was drowned out by the storm. Sachi reached out and grabbed a hold of Callan's arm, tugging it softly. "Callan."

"Huh?" Callan whipped his head around, his startled expression softening as he peered down at Sachi. "What is it?" He followed the boy's gaze to the faint silvery glow as Sachi pointed.

"Do you think it might be..." Sachi began.

Callan nodded, giving the kid a comforting squeeze in the shoulder. "Yeah. Good catch, Sachi. Let's go investigate." The two headed over closer, Callan kneeling down beside a singular flower amongst all the green of the trees and bushes. Its petals were white as snow, its shining droplets giving a mirrored reflection from the aura that it gave off.

"It's so pretty," Sachi mused, crouching beside Callan to get a better look. And the kid was right— the flower was beautiful. Almost too beautiful, really.

"This must be it." Callan's words were decisive as he contemplated his next move. "It's like I can feel the powerful magic radiating from it." He looked to Sachi again and gave the boy's hair a gentle ruffle. "Great job."

Sachi gave a faint laugh, his nose crinkling as he looked down bashfully and wiggles away from Cal's touch. "Thanks..." he murmured after a moment or two.

"If I pull it out, that should stop the illusion." Cal hummed and turned his stare back to the bloom. He reached out towards it, fingers wrapping around the base of the stem, then gave it a sharp upward tug. He rose to his full height, watching as the glow slowly faded away. A slight twist of a grin played at his lips— that was, until a spiral of silver light started to snake up his arm. Callan dropped the flower in a panic, the plant vanishing into thin air yet that didn't stop the stream of light from continuing its path. Curling around the shifter's neck, it crept upward, seeming to sink into Callantine's skin. Though it only lasted a moment, Callan's eyes suddenly shone that same metallic color, like sterling pools of liquid metal. What followed happened just as quickly— Cal's eyes drooping as he suddenly collapsed onto the forest floor.

Sachi darted toward Callan, eyes wide with horror as he dropped to his knees at the shifter's side. "Callan... Callan," he called desperately, voice cracking with anguish and fear. "Please, wake up... please. Don't you leave me too." His pleas brought forth a stream of tears, his eyes bleary as they welled up and he choked back a sob. As the tears started to fall more heavily and the boy's emotions grew stronger, so did the chance that he would once more become a Manabe. That risk was too great, especially with Cal in this state. They needed help, and Sachi maninting control over himself was their only hope. "Phoena! Brady!" he shouted breathlessly, making his throat feel dry and scratchy. "Something happened to Cal."

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