Three Tree and Several Hours Ago

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By the time Phoena arrived back at the clearing, the boys had managed to pack up nearly everything in the camp. She dipped her head to the side as she approached, surprise clear in her features. "No need to look like that. You'd think we offered you up a severed head on a platter with that face." Brady chuckled and hoisted one of the bags up onto his shoulder. "We just figured you'd want to make a swift exit. Unless you want to sit around for a couple of hours twiddling our thumbs?"

"I'll pass." The blonde rebuffed his taunting seamlessly— very much unlike her earlier reaction— as she marched forward to gather her own things. "No signs of trouble out there, so I'm ready to go when you are."

Callan kept Sachi close by his side as he listened to the bantering of his companions and looked to the pair. "Let's be off then. This lost sorceress isn't going to find us."

"I wish," Brady muttered, shaking his head lightly, "But if that was the case, this wouldn't really be much of an epic quest."

Cal eyed the telepath for a moment before repositioning his supplies. "Honestly, you wouldn't see me complaining if it was a bit less epic and a bit more mundane." He grinned wryly down at Sachi, who walked alongside him, as he joined up with Brady and Phoena back near the main path.

Phoena studied their map intently, humming softly to herself as she traced the planned route with her finger. "If my calculations are correct, we should arrive in town tonight with plenty of time to ask around about Soleil." She folded the sheet neatly and tucked it away for safekeeping. "Be sure to keep up, boys."

"Don't worry about us." Brady slapped a hand down on Callan's shoulder, making the startled shifter jolt away from him. The telepath fought back his snickering and continued, "I'm sure we can manage."

Phoena's gaze shifted over the other three as she chewed on her bottom lip. "We'll see about that..."

"So much for her shining vote of confidence," Brady whispered as he leaned in Cal's direction again.

Callan just shook his head softly and started after Phoena, though his pace was leisurely enough for Sachi to keep pace with him, the young boy having a much shorter stride than Cal himself. "Let's try not to prove her right already by falling behind."

Brady darted after them, a long sigh escaping as he drew closer. "And here I thought things might be different this time! So much for loss making people reevaluate their lives."

"Might I remind you that you didn't actually die?" Phoena called back to the boys in an overloud voice, clearly scolding Brady for his dramatics.

The telepath gave a dejected puff, flicking back a few long pieces of hair from his forehead. "That is exactly my point! You all should be grateful."

"Dear Shrink-wrap, thank you kindly for not dying in one of the least satisfying ways possible, which would have doomed the rest of us to our own demise. Would you like to accept the medal of honor now or later?" Cal quipped without even a glance in Brady's direction. "Ahh, and Sachi will even do you the honor of presenting it in a ceremonially fashion! What do you say?"

And being in very rare form after Callan laid the sarcasm on thick, Brady actually had very little to say in fact, hanging his head in shame. "Later. Since it's such trouble."

"If it helps at all, I'm glad you're okay." Sachi's quiet voice brought a wide smile back to Braedyn's face.

Brady straightened up and nodded enthusiastically, chipper as could be. "Take notes, you two. That is how you make friends."

"We have bigger problems, Brady," Phoena said simply, focusing her attention back on the trail. "If you have that much energy, we should pick up the pace."

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