Chapter 1- My One Heart, My One Life

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  • Dedicated to Justin Bieber

Hey guys! This is my first fanfiction. You'll think I suck haha. Well, if you happen to enjoy the first chapter, keep reading! You can keep yourself updated by following me on Twitter: "@bootybelieber". Thank you all


Justin POV:

    'Finally! The last day of my tour' I thought. I was finally getting a break. I love my fans and all. They really inspire me to do what I do best, but it's nice to take a break once in a while. Today is my last concert and meet and greet, and I hope it goes really well, like usual.

   "YOU'RE ON IN 5 MINUTES, BIEBER!!" I felt the adrenaline traveling through my body. I was so pumped. Since this was my last show for now, I was willing to make it the best. I took one last look in the mirror until I heard "30 SECONDS!!!" That was my queue. It's my time to shine!

    I shuffled over to the angel wings, I watched as the crew hooked the belt around my waist and shoulders. The countdown started... 10...9....8...7...6...5...4... 3...2.......1!!! The crowd went silent. The video played, and out I flew with my huge wings, and my fans went wild. This was my happy place. This is where I liked being everyday. I can't believe this is going to end tonight, so I'm gonna put on the best show that my Beliebers will ever see.

    "WHAT'S UP GUYS, HOW'S EVERYONE DOING TONIGHT!?" The crowd screamed and shouted.  "This is one of my favorite places. But what's better than being... ALL...AROUND...THE...WORRRRLLLDDD!!!!" 

You're beautiful, beautiful, you should know it

(You're beautiful, beautiful, you should know it)

I think it's time, think it's time that you show it

You're beautiful, beautiful

Baby what you doin', where you at, where you at?

Why you actin' so shy? Holdin' back, holdin' back

We're not the only ones doin' it like that, it like that

So DJ bring that, bring that, bring that, bring that back

'Cuz all around the world people want to be loved (yeah)

'Cuz all around the world they're no different than us (no)

All around the world people want to be loved

All around the world they're no different than us

All around the world

All around the world

    Within a few second it seemed, the song ended. I went backstage to meet with some fans. My Beliebers are so beautiful. I hated how they put themselves down constantly. They should keep their heads up. Somebody in this world loves them, take me for example! I greeted them with a smile and a "Hi, how are you?" I took pictures with them. Some of them wanted me to hold their hand, to kiss them, and they would even do silly poses with me, They are crazy. One time, I put my arm around a Belieber, and when the picture was posted it looked like I was holding her boob! Haha. I want this family to be here forever.

    After that, I preformed Take You, Catching Feelings, One Time, etc. Then we had a drum solo. I was backstage, getting ready to preform One Less Lonely Girl. I put on my jeans, supras, a plain white V-neck, and a top hat. I feel like I make a girls dream come true when they get up on that stage, sit on that throne, and put on that floral tiara. I can see in  their eyes that I've broken them free from the pain they've been feeling, sometimes I think I've saved a life.

    I ran out onto the stage, and the girls screamed "WE LOVE YOU JUSTIN!" Of course, I shouted it back. I began to sing...


I'm gonna put you first. 

I'll show you what you're worth.

If you let me inside of your world, there's gonna be One Less Lonely Girl.

        I continued to sing.The One Less Lonely Girl was going to come up any second. I couldn't wait to see her expression. She's going to ------ Oh- My- God!! She's, she is absolutely gorgeous! Flawless even! I snapped out of it when I realized the crowd was laughing because I was staring at this lovely lady... Haha, I'm such a loser. 

     I grabbed the beautiful girl's hand and seated her on the throne. She looked up at me with her glistening, sparkling blue eyes. They really hypnotized me in a good way. I kept on singing to her, while looking into her eyes. How could anyone be this perfect? She was so breathtaking. As I was singing, I caressed her cheek with my thumb, I leaned in unknowingly, and I almost kissed her. I stopped when she turned her attention to the crowd. I finished the song up and asked the OLLG for her name.

    "H-hi. What's your name, dear?" "Alexis." she faintly smiled."GIVE IT UP FOR ALEXIS EVERYONE!" The crowd went crazy by the way I was singing to her. I treated her like no other OLLG. I wanted to get to know her better. I needed to.

     We both ran backstage. Her hair flowed in the breeze. There was no way she wasn't a model. She was too perfect. Too good to be true. We stopped running. I turned to her, "It was really nice meeting you and you did great on stage" I let out a shaky breath, and gulped. "Thanks, it was so unexpected! Alot of other girls deserved to be up there! Thanks for tonight, Justin." She hugged me for a brief second. Alexis was going to walk away, that is until I grabbed her hand. "I-uh..uh..." My eyes scanned her body from top to bottom, then bottom to top. She had great curves. I'm so greedy.  She was just THAT tempting..."Uh... hello? hehe." she waved her hand in my face. " Oh, um Alexis, ha. Sorry. I was going to say that you're really something... different. Maybe I'll see you around. " I winked and walked to my dressing room. I couldn't get Alexis off of my mind....

Alexis POV:

    Could this be? Maybe I'm just crazy. Why would Justin be into me? What do I have that no other girl has? I'm just me... 

"Maybe I'll see you around." he winked.

   This can't be happening. It's a dream come true. What if I really do see him somewhere? Every other Belieber would be jealous... he tried to kiss me on stage! He doesn't do this to other girls. Maybe he was just being flirty, I'm not sure. Whatever it was, I liked it.

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