Chapter 3- A Date?

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Hey guys! I'm so so so sorry that the last chapter was super short, and it was a cliffhanger :p Please just don't kill me. Btw, 24 days until Believe Tour in NJ


Justin POV:

    She just stared into my eyes. I couldn't tell if she was shocked, or angry at me. I knew she had a reason to be angry. So, I tried to lighten up the mood.

"Told you I'd see you again." I winked.

"I can't believe it. I had a feeling I was going to bump into you, well, I didn't think it would literally happen. You know what I mean--" I cut her off.

"You look stunning."

"I'm just in a bikini." she chuckled.

     She looked really good in a bikini. Her body was well sculpted. I know this sounds bad, but I craved a body like hers. I wanted her to be mine. Nobody elses. I slowly looked up until I met her eyes.

"Well, I shouldn't give my number out. This is alot to ask, but may I possibly have your number? You know, so maybe, one day... we could go out..on a... date?" I let out a small laugh.

"Um, yes sure. No problem."

Alexis POV:

      JUSTIN JUST ASKED ME FOR MY NUMBER! AND MAYBE A DATE? This couldn't get any better.  It was so unexpected! I mean I thought he didn't like me. Was I wrong? I wrote it on a piece of notebook paper and handed it to him. Gosh, his hand was so soft.

"Hey, can I tell you something?" he interrupted my thoughts,"You don't have to be shy around me. You weren't shy at the concert." he said.

I laughed, "Whatever floats your boat, Justin. Well, I'm going to go back to the beach. See you around." 

"See you. I'll definitley call you." I winked.

      I took some large steps, then I looked back to see him with another girl. He picked her up and threw her in the water playfully. Was that his... girlfriend? There was no way he'd have and a chance with me if HE is already TAKEN!! When he asks me on a date, I'm going to have to investigate...


     I studied the piece of paper with her name and number. She dotted the "i" in her name with a little heart. It's so adorable. I grew some balls(lol) and decided to call her up.

"Hey uh, Alexis. It's Justin."

"Bieber?", she questioned.

"Yeah, who else?" I chuckled.

"Yeah the was stupid of me to ask. What's up?"

      Her and I talked on the phone for hours. She really was lovely. And her laugh, it was the most peaceful sound I've ever heard. I could fall asleep to it as my own lullaby. I asked Alexis on a date. We were going to an Italian Restaurant this weekend. I really hope I give her the right impression. You cannot screw this one up, Bieber.

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