Chapter 13- Me and Justin... and Ronnie?!

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*NOTE: So, for some stupid reason, when I save my work it sets it as Private, and it says it is restricted? Can you help me fix that? Thanks!*

Justin POV:

    Here I was, standing here with a huge boner and Alexis in front of me, naked. OH my gosh, she looked so sexy right now. I wanted her so bad. We've tried a couple of times before, but as you know, we were ALWAYS interrupted. Maybe now is my chance.

"Babe... tonight, do you um... maybe... do you want to..." my mouth wouldn't let me say what I had to.

"Justin, I'm really sore. I'm not exaggerating either. What happened was too much for us, I think we should just relax, you know? We'll have the chance soon. Besides, we haven't even had our romantic time yet."

"You're right sweetie... I didn't know how sore you would be. Let's go watch a movie and cuddle. Would you like that?"

"Of course I would. Let's go." 

     I grabbed her hand and we walked down stairs. She sat down on the couch while I went into the kitchen to make some popcorn.

Alexis POV:

 "Babe, what movie should we watch?"

"Something romantic. Any romantic movie you'd like."

     I walked over to the stand holding all the DVD's. I was browsing through until I saw the perfect movie. I giggled, and ran to Justin.

"Is this okay babe?"

"Aw that's perfect Lex. Go start the movie, the popcorn is almost ready."

"Kk." I smiled.

     I turned Justin's DVD player on and slid the disc inside of it. The commercials came on before the movie. Ugh. Justin came back into the living room with cheesy popcorn and butter popcorn. It smelled so good.

"Mmm that smells delicious!" I sang.

"Not as delicious as you! Wait, nevermind that sounded wrong." he giggled.

     I laughed uncontrollably. Justin was so silly. Justin sat down on the couch and got ontop of me. I stopped laughing... Uh oh. Just then, he started to tickle me! 

"Ahhh Ju-Justin sto-op!!" I tried to slap his hands away. 

     He took my arms and out them over my head. He started to tickle my armpits.

"Aheeheeeheee Justin!! Get o-off me weird-oo!" I breathed out.

"Okay okay I'm done." He started to laugh. I playfully slapped his chest.

"The movie is starting. So shhh." I whispered.

"Wait, let's cuddle. I want you in my arms, now."

     I blushed. I crawled next to him and curled into a ball. Justin wrapped his big arms around me. I feel safe with him. He kissed the top of me head, and he leaned his head on mine. This is how everything should be. Everything was perfect at this moment. I wish this could never end.

*1 1/2 hours later*

Justin POV:

     Alexis fell asleep during the movie. How cute! She looks so peaceful when she sleeps. I tried waking her up so we could sleep in my room.

"Baby, let's go upstairs in my room."

"Urghhh" she groaned.

"Come on." She groaned again.

"Will you carry me upstairs?" I laughed.

"Sure, why not."

      I picked her up and started walking up the steps. She fell asleep in my arms.. awwwh! I entered my room and set her down on my bed. I went to my side of the bed and layed next to her. I pulled the soft, fluffy blanket over us. I slid closer to her and wrapped my arms around her petite body.

Alexis POV:

   I was sleeping next to Justin. He kept me warm. Then, I was in a very deep sleep, and started dreaming...

* I have no idea where I am. But here's what it looks like. It's like a winter wonderland. Snow isn't falling, but the whole place is covered with this beautiful, sparkly white substance. I was running through the trees, laughing. Justin was in front of me, laughing as well. I was chasing him I suppose. There were no words, just laughing. Then he turned into a shadow. I stopped running and started walking. "Justin?"... "JUSTIN?!"... he was gone, but the shadow wasn't. I tripped over a rock. My face got covered in snow, and I looked up. The shadow was standing in front of me. It leaned in, and Ronnie's face was on the shadow. Then it went black. The there was a quick flash of blood and guts all over the white snow. Then my dream ended. *

"Ahhhhh!!" I shrieked. When I jumped up, I hit Justin's nose on accident.

"Ouch!" Justin rubbed his nose, then he looked at me. "Alexis, what's wrong. What happened, sweetie?"

He hugged me.

"I- I saw Ronnie."

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