1. First Sight

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The first time our two heroes met was in December 2007. But instead of snow, on LAX Mr Robert Pattinson was greeted with heat, like it was summer.

He had come all the way down from London, where it was cold, windy and obviously snowy. Like a winter wonderland, minus the wonderland part.

That made him happy though. It felt like he was in Australia. That was what he had wanted. And the part of Edward Cullen plus the chance to work with miss Kristen Stewart, his most favorite actress.

He had watched her in an indie movie, called "Into The Wild" and had been immediately charmed from her voice, her beauty and the fact that she could play the guitar, just like him.

Robert was totally looking forward to the audition.

The next day was "the big day" . That day was going to change his life forever and he perfectly knew it. He just knew whether it was going to be for good or for bad.

Driving to Catherine Hardwicke, the director's house, he couldn't help, but fidget nervously. What if they didn't like him? What if Kristen laughed at his face instead? After all, she was a professional actress. He was just an amateur.

He shook his head and told himself that it was going to be a great day instead.

As soon as he got out of the car, from the front door came out the famous Catherine Hardwicke. Judging by the fact that she had a grin written in her face, he assumed she was overjoyed to meet him.

"Ah! Welcome to LA, Mr Pattinson!" , exclaimed she and even greeted him with kisses on the cheeks. He thought it was weird.

She gestured to him to come inside. He followed obediently, not sure what to expect. He tried controlling his breathing. He swore he felt his heart skip a beat.

There she was. Kristen Jaymes Stewart. The girl with the guitar from "Into The Wild".

In reality, she was much prettier than he expected

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In reality, she was much prettier than he expected. Her brunette hair was straightened to perfection and she seemed to be wearing no makeup. Like she needed makeup. She was pretty even without it.

He caught himself staring at her chest. Why was he staring at her chest? He told himself to stop staring, before he got caught.

"The last time I checked, there was nothing wrong with my breasts," sharply said Kristen

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"The last time I checked, there was nothing wrong with my breasts," sharply said Kristen. Too late.

"Aren't you supposed to be at school?" , he joked, trying to lighten the mood. Unsuccessfully.

Kristen frowned. She didn't like being reminded of school. She really was supposed to be, but instead she was working hard. She had been that way since she was 8 and she wasn't planning on quitting acting any soon.

Luckily, Catherine saved them both from more embarrassment by reminding them why they were here, on that nice sunny day.

"Now, get to work!"

They two began practising the biology class scene and the first kiss before showing it to Catherine. For Robert's luck, Mrs Hardwicke thought he had potential and she could see chemistry between him and Kristen.

She announced that he had gotten the part, claiming that Kristen had loved him too. His eyes turned into pancakes. Kristen liked him? After he was pretty much rude to her? Impossible. She had to be joking.

Catherine laughed wickedly and walked away. She came back with the Holy Bible in her hands. She hadn't been joking.

Robert was confused. His palms began sweating.

"Now!" , she barked. "Repeat after me! I swear!"

"I swear!"

And she made him swear not to touch, not to even dare to think of touching Kristen until she was old enough. He perfectly knew what Catherine had meant by "touching" . Did she really think he was a pervert? Just because he had accidentally stared at Kristen's intimate parts? He swore he didn't mean it.

Then Mrs Hardwicke let him go by thanking him for auditioning and telling him that she was going to email him the script.

I'm glad I got the part , he thought, while humming a happy song and exiting Catherine's home.

He was surprised to see Kristen sitting on the porch all alone. She didn't mind him sitting next to her, when he asked her to. Strange.

They didn't say a word to eachother. They just stated in one dot. Until Kristen spoke:

"Do you think I'm beautiful?" , blurted she.

Robert stared at her in shock. Couldn't she see how gorgeous she looked? Like a little angel, like a Greek goddess.

"You're not beautiful, Kristen," said he and saw the hurt in the girl's eyes. She looked like she was about to cry.

"You're a flicka."

She looked at him, confused.

"A flicka? What's that?" , she didn't hesitate to ask.

He explained that the word was Swedish and it meant a beautiful girl. Actually, not only a beautiful girl. A beautiful girl, who would become even more beautiful woman in the future.

She blushed, smiling and looking down at her shoes. Nobody had ever told her such a thing. Nor even Michael Angarano, her long time boyfriend.

Kristen wanted to stay with Robert for a little longer. She already enjoyed his company, even though he had stared at her body and had joked about her not attending school. She forgave him easily after working with him. After all, you couldn't judge a book by its cover.

Alas, her boyfriend came with his car to pick her up. Michael approached Kristen and greeted her with a kiss right in front of poor Robert, who had to hide his disgust. He thought how if he was her boyfriend, he would never snog with her in front of people. After all, kisses were supposed to be something intimate, at least that was how he had been taught (he was literally raised by his older sisters).

Then Kristen actually remembered to introduce her boyfriend to her new colleague. Rob didn't really like Michael. He just didn't seem like the type who would treat a girl like a princess (and believe me, every girl deserved to be treated like one).

The in love birds quickly said goodbye to our hero and left with Michael's car. For a moment, Rob got jealous of him. He had Kristen as girlfriend. But then he remembered that he was special too. Maybe one day him and Kristen would be together, happily in love.

What a nice first sight! , thought he before he left, proud of himself for getting the part and meeting Kristen Stewart.

Little did he know she would turn out to be his first true love.

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