4. Mom, It Will Never Be The Same

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Named after the original dance routine, performed by Maddie Ziegler.


On a Sunday morning in November, Kristen Stewart was walking around the nearby park with her new dog. She had met this little cutie on the set of the movie "Camp X-Ray" and had immediately fallen in love for this brave pet. She had named him Cole, after the character she had played in the movie.

Everybody knew that Kristen adored furry friends. From kitties to ducklings, even white bears. She thought they were cuddly. She had grown up with pet wolves. Of course she would want to have her own pets at some point in the future.

Kristen began humming a song by Alex and Sierra, while walking slowly and enjoying the view and the (nearly) perfect weather.

What she didn't expect was Robert Pattinson, her ex-boyfriend to be at the same park, sitting on the grass and laughing with some friends. It seemed like they were not only having fun, but as well having a picnic, judging by the fact they had a basket full of snacks and a blanket had been spread on the grass.

Kristen bit her lip from anxiety. What if he saw her? What could she tell him?

She tried not to stare at him. She didn't want him to see her, let alone go near her and greet her.

Too late.

The leash of the dog slipped from Kristen's hand. She had gotten so distracted, that by the time the owner of the dog had understood that, Cole was running to the picnic place where Robert and his group of friends were.

"Ah!" , Kristen gasped and ran after the pet, shouting it's name. Some strangers were stopping to hear who was shouting. Others were taking out their mobile devices and were recording videos and taking photos of the happening, thinking how funny it was that a famous actress was chasing her own dog. Childish.

"Cole! Stop it!" , she shouted louder.

Rob quit laughing, as soon as he recognized Kristen's voice. Was that really her? What if it was an illusion?

The dog jumped in Robert's arms and nearly knocked him over. It also started licking his face. His friends seemed rather disgusted that a "random dog" was near them.

Kristen was so embarassed from what had just happened. Her cheeks flushed red and she swore she had seen some of Robert's friends laugh and point at her and Cole.

"Eww, is that your dog?!" , a girl with a high pitched voice quacked, like a duck.

"I'm very very sorry!" , Kristen sincerely apologized. She had just began explaining how the leash had slipped from her hand, when another girl with deeper voice interrupted her, saying that no one cared.

"Get away that disgusting thing from us!"

Kristen immediately grew hatred towards these people. How could they call her little precious dog "a thing" ?! He was not an object, but a best friend!

Robert felt sorry for his ex-girlfriend. He knew how much she loved all her pets. Usually, she would defend herself.

This time, however, she was just standing there, unsure what else to do. She had apologized already.

Kristen picked up Cole in her arms and carried him home like a baby, praying that she wouldn't see Robert any soon. She could still hear laughing behind her back, but she rolled her eyes.

Her phone vibrated in her pocket, but it wasn't until she went back home when she checked her phone.

One new message.

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