18. Lighthouse

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One day, when Robert Pattinson came back home, after a boring day of being productive, just when he thought his day would end just like every other, something so small and at first glance negligible made his day, more like the rest of it. He still had the night, the young and dark night, only for himself.

His ears pricked, catching a faint tune of guitar strumming. Who was strumming at such a late hour? It was almost 10PM. If he lived in apartment block, for surely, the police would be notified for disturbance from the inhabitants.

As the actor was following the sounds, he slowly heard something else.

"When everyone turned away, you made a decision to stay," someone was singing. Slowly approaching the source from where the singing was coming, he recognized the voice as Kristen Stewart's. His lovely girlfriend. How much he loved her? To the moon and back. He would do anything, be anything for her.

He didn't remember the last time he had heard her playing her guitar and singing. It had been years. Lately, she had been more into drums and rock music. So playing a pop song and singing was a very pleasant surprise for him.

Calmly, our hero entered the living room, worried he could scare her. He didn't want to hurt or upset her, ever. She was too precious to him. His treasure. His sunshine. His moonlight.

"You are my lighthouse! Keep me from crashing down!" , she sang to him, smiling. He beamed back, touched from her voice. It was a shame she didn't do that more often. Was she embarassed of her voice? If so, why? Sure, it was lower, because of her terrible smoking habit, but it was just as beautiful as it had been years ago, when Robert had first ever heard her sing in a movie and had let her voice touch the string attached to his heart. Like a siren, she had dazzled him and enticed him to herself.

Still smiling, he walked over to her. "Hey."

She shyly greeted back, letting him sit close next to her.

"You sing very beautifully. Has anyone ever told you that?" , teased Rob, aware of the compliments his girlfriend was getting about her musical skills. He just wanted to see that cute little blush of hers, to hear her bell-like laugh.

Just like he had predicted, giggling like a little girl, Kristen attempted to cover her flushed cheeks with her palms, but it was too late. He had already grasped her wrists, giving soft kisses on both her cheeks, making her giggle even more. He couldn't get enough of it - seeing her all smiley and happy.

"You're my singing angel," he cooed in her ear.

"And you're my lighthouse."

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