11. Prom

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In the beginning of May was when high school graduation proms were starting. And of course, because of work (and the fact that she was not a senior), Kristen Stewart could not attend one. She had to concentrate on nailing her lines to perfection and to practice facials in front of the mirror every single day. Working on such an important project, like the movie "Twilight" was her only responsibility at the moment. She wanted to do well. No, scratch that. Perfect. To embody the character of Bella Swan.

The actress had recently broken up with her boyfriend from four years. But instead of moping around, like a crybaby, she was more than happy. She could finally confess her feelings to the one she truly loved - her best friend Robert.

When she confessed, he was on cloud nine. His dream had come true! Ever since he had heard his angel play the guitar in the movie "Into The Wild", it had been her song that had charmed him.

When they began dating, she could see how much he loved her not only because of the fact that he treated her like a princess (just like every girl deserved). He had to wait so long, until she was old enough to date him. Catherine Hardwicke had made sure they two didn't have anything else rather than a friendship. Apparently in the United States, it was illegal to date an underaged person.

At least now things had cleared up between them. They were finally together. Robsten. Their ship name. Robert and Kristen. A couple as sweet as sugar. Their colleagues adored teasing them mainly because of the age gap between them - whole four years.

Today, the couple had a date. It wasn't their first one, but it was going to be special, just like every single one they had.

She wondered what was it going to be this time. He had told her that the attire was formal. Where was he going to take her? Probably to an expensive restaurant. Where else? They couldn't go to the cinema, dressed like they were going to a fashion show.

"Roob!" , she begged him to tell her, moaning. "Tell me, pleease!"

"Nuh uh!" , he shook his head and she pouted, like an unsatisfied baby, but ended up sucking it up and waiting patiently for their date. Of course, Nikki Reed and Ashley Greene, embodying their characters, gave our heroine a full makeover before the special night. She didn't mind though. Unlike the character she played in the movie, she adored it when the makeup was being applied to her skin. It felt as if it was re-shaping her, turning her into a completely different person. With the addition of a lace dress and braided hair, in the end Kristen Jaymes Stewart was in awe with the work her colleagues had done. She couldn't recognize herself in the mirror.

 She couldn't recognize herself in the mirror

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When Robert came to pick her up, he couldn't recognize her either

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When Robert came to pick her up, he couldn't recognize her either. His heart was racing like a race car. Who was that angel? Was that his inhumanly gorgeous girlfriend? He couldn't help but smile and make her blush.

"Beautiful," he whispered and like a gentleman, opened the door of the car for her. She giggled, her laugh echoing like little bells.

In the car, he let her choose the music. It was fine though. They shared similar tastes, when it came to nearly everything - food, music, even clothes.

Looking around, his angel noticed they were passing a lot of venues. Where exactly were they going? She was too scared to ask him. She tried to relax to the music of Debussy, sounding on the radio, until she saw a familiar building - a high school. The high school in which she was supposed to study if she hadn't switched to distance education back in eight grade.

"Rob?" , Kristen found the courage, but he shushed her with his finger. She bit her tongue, not wanting to upset him, while he was driving.

"You'll see sweetheart," he soothed. At least he wasn't mad. He parked the car at the parking lot and opened the door for Kristen, who was still baffled as fuck. Little did she know what surprise was waiting for her.

"Now, close your eyes," Robert ordered and when she did, he picked her up bridal style. Warning her not to peek, he carried her inside the building and put her down as soon as they reached the Gym, where the surprise was waiting for them.

She could hear music. What was going on? Why were they there? And she remembered. It was the day of her friends' prom. The one she couldn't attend.

He had taken her to the prom.

The moment she realized what was happening, already sobbing from joy, wrapped her arms round him, pulling him in a hug. Something warm had built up in our hero's stomach. The feeling of love. He was just about to kiss her, when some people, probably students, screamed:


Her friends. Did they know about the surprise?

She gave all her friends big hugs, showing them how much she had missed them throughout the months.

"Come on!" , her friends pulled her inside, her boyfriend not forgetting to follow them, making sure his girlfriend was okay. Kristen's safety was first.

When they entered, all eyes were on them. Some were happy that the actors had joined them and surrounded them to congratulate them for their success. Others stared with jealousy in their eyes.

Her best friend, Suzie Riemer had become the prom queen. That had been her childhood dream. Everyone were cheering for her and applauding, feeling proud of her. The crown looked beautiful on her.

Kristen thanked Robert with a kiss on the lips. It wasn't like the kisses they had shared at the audition. It was more passionate, more affectionate. And the most important - it was real. Their first real kiss. An notable moment in their lives.

The in love birds danced the night away, promising each other to never leave eachother's sight. Little did they know the surprises the future would give them, the obstacles they would have to overcome to be together. But they preferred not to think of the future. They wanted to enjoy the present.

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