7. All I Want For Christmas Is You

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SOTC: "All I Want For Christmas Is You" by Mariah Carey

It was again Christmas time at the Stewart household. The whole house was shining bright from the put up decorations and from the fallen snow. So bright, almost like in the movies.

Jules Stewart was sitting outside on the porch. She was thinking about a lot of things. For example, how her ex-husband John was battling cancer, how her children had blossomed like flowers in front of her eyes ...

Her dream to have happy and healthy children had come true.

But inside of the house, some things were happening.

"I don't want a lot for Christmas, there's just one thing I need!" , someone was singing. Guitar strumming could be heard as well.

It was Kristen - Jules's only daughter and the youngest member of the family.

Each year, Kristen would sing the same Christmas Carol. People eventually would get tired of listening to it, but not her.

The reason why she was singing it was because she believed that the song would bring back her ex-boyfriend Robert to her. After all, he was her first love.

Kristen and Robert's story could be compared with a fairytale. Just as magical and passionate as a story about fairies and witchcraft.

Alas, if it hadn't been the paparazzi and the idiotic rumors, they could have not drifted apart.

"Hey!" , someone exclaimed. Kristen stopped singing and turned her head just to see her brother Cameron. She smiled at him.

"Quit singing that song," he said. He seemed rather annoyed. But who wouldn't after years of listening to the same Christmas Carols?

His little sister frowned. Cameron sat next to her and told her to put away the guitar. So she did, confused.

"I know that there's a secret reason why you always play this song each year," spoke he, after an awkward silence.

His little sister was unsure what to say. She was surprised.

How come he knows that? Has he noticed? Why hasn't he brushed it off? , she thought.

"Kristen?" , her brother raised an eyebrow.

The actress looked down at her shoes. It was too late to think of any excuses. It was her brother after all. He was one of her best friends. She coulnd't just lie to him like that.

"It's about Rob, okay?" , she raised her voice, leaving her brother in shock.

Robert? As in Robert Pattinson? How come? Hadn't she forgotten about him?

It didn't seem so.

He softly pat his baby sister's knee and gave her a kiss on the forehead. He hated seeing her sad.

At dinner time, Kristen was picking at her food, trying not to get upset that she was pretty much alone on Christmas day. Sure, all her family and friends were there, but he wasn't.

"Hey, Kristen! Why don't you play us a song, huh?" , teased Taylor and Dana joined him laughing. Cameron glared at them.

John and Jules looked at eachother with worry. It was noticeable that their only daughter was hiding something.

"Yeah!" , exclaimed Dana. "Sing us a Christmas carol!" , laughed he and some of their cousins giggled.

Kristen felt her cheeks go red. She kept silent, looking at her plate. She felt a hand rubbing softly her back. Alicia's.

John slammed his fist on the table and everyone went silent.

"Enough!" , hissed he and added that it was Christmas and told his sons to quit teasing their sister.

Kristen's hands began shaking.

Don't panic now! , she mentally scolded herself. Hopefully, no one noticed any of that.

It was actually the doorbell that had saved her and her family from even worse situation.

"I'll get it," Jules had already stood up, before Kristen could say something.

What if it's him? , she thought, but then shook her head. Perhaps it's someone dressed like Santa and wants to prank us.

"Claire?!" , an exclaim was heard.

Claire. That was the name of Robert's mom.

"Kristen will be so happy!"

When our heroine heard her name, without hesitation, she sharply stood up from her chair and ran to the door. She was pleasantly surprised to see Claire and Richard Pattinson. She greeted them politely.

"There's someone waiting for you," Claire said with a smile.

Kristen's surprise was even bigger, when outside, she saw him. The man, who she was deeply in love for.

Robert Douglas Thomas Pattinson.

"Rob!" , Kristen exclaimed loudly, before crushing him in a bear hug. Words could not describe how happy she was at the moment.

The love of her life was back! A miracle had just happened.

Kristen Jaymes Stewart's biggest dream had come true.

She buried her face in his neck and let the tears from joy fall.

"Hey, hey," soothed he and wiped away her tears with his palms. "Don't cry! It's Christmas!"

They both looked around, their bodies still collided in a hug. Children playing, people laughing. It was perfect.

So many miracles in one day.

First, the snow had covered the ground like a white puffy blanket.

Second, everyone was gathered together.

And third ... he was back.

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