Question 4~ Not...Really a Question

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Author-Chan: SANS! C'MERE!
Sans: Ugggh, what now? I was almost asleep...*gets up from couch*
Author-Chan: I got another comment on our Q and A!
Sans: Sweet, what's it about?
Author-Chan: This person...wait it's not a question...they are introducing themselves, how nice!
Sans: Then why did you yell at me to come over here if it's not a question?
Author-Chan: Because I thought it was another question...ANYWAY, they said their name is Silver...that's a badass name...Sans if I ever have a kid I'm namin it Silver!
Sans:...Well, I'm hungry, got any food?
Author-Chan: I have cake in the fridge if ya want some.
Sans: I bet it's MARBLE-ous!
Author-Chan: *Facepalms while giggling*
Sans: Oh, by the way, did they say anything else?
Author-Chan: They like snakes and hot peppers
Sans: Do they like HISS-tory?
Author-Chan: SANS OH MY FUCKING GOD*falls out of the chair from laughing*

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