Question 20: Return

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Author-Chan: Oh my god, Z your sister is back!
Z: What?! Silver?! *runs to Silver*
Silver: *hugs Z tightly* See? I came back just fine...
Z: I got so lonely without you, Silver! But they managed to keep my mind off of it.
Silver: All that I care about is that I get to see my little sis again.*cries tears of joy*
Author-Chan: *stares at ground, frowning slightly* *sighs quietly*
Sans: Hey, what's eating ya?
Author-Chan:*glances* *shrugs*
Sans: You really seem down in the dumps today...
Author-Chan: M-Maybe a little...
Sans: Need a hug?
Author-Chan: *blushes* W-What?
Sans: You look like you need one...*blushes*
Author-Chan: *looks away*
Sans: C'mere, kid...*hugs*
Author-Chan: *hugs back* *cries a bit*
Papyrus: Human, why are you crying?
Silver: Woah, did me and Z make you emotional?
Author-Chan: *quickly wipes tears* Y-You would rather not would j-just make everyone here worry...*walks to bedroom*
Z: Is she alright?
Sans: I don't think so, she's hiding something. And I'll figure out what it is.
Papyrus: Make the human happy again!
Author-Chan:*walks ontop of bed* *curls up in a ball* *cries, hiding face*

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