Question 62: Gaster Blaster

231 16 1

Sans: I mean...I've never done that before. I guess I could try...
-summons a gaster blaster- -teleports on top of it- Here goes nothing...

A few minutes later...

Sans: -teleports off the gaster blaster- Oh jesus...-stumbles a bit-

Author-Chan: Sans you alright? That gaster blaster went by pretty fast.

Sans: I'm uhh....oh god...getting a bit dizzy...

Author-Chan: -holds his shoulders- I got ya.

Sans: I gotta sit down for a minute...oh and uhh...well, my eye isn't hurt. It's only one eye that glows because it's got special powers that allow me to sense when something bad will happen. It also helps when I use my magic, but only my powerful magic. I mean, yeah it is why my attack percentage is lower than it should be, but that's more of me being lazy.

Ask Sans!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora