Question 51: Alternative Universe?

258 13 15

Sans: Hehehe, I know about that universe, and who you are. In fact, I know TONS of Universes. Let's see how many Author-Chan knows.

Author-Chan: I know Underfell, Flowerfell, Errortale, Underswap, Outertale, Underpatch(The one Gaster! Sans is in), Aftertale, Pockettale, Dancetale, Asylumtale, Sciencetale, Freshtale, GZTale, Vocatale, UTAUTale, Underloid, Gothtale( my creation), Undertail, and uhh....fuck I can't think of anymore.

Sans: -blinks at her- Wow....did not know you knew that many....and there's still more that you missed.

Author-Chan: I named off 18 AU's. Jesus....

Sans: do you know about Undertail?

Author-Chan: You mean the.....oh no.....I-I didn't mean to say that one!

Sans: You dirty sinner~💙

Author-Chan: SHUT UP! -blushes deeply- -hides in her sweater-

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