A/N: Closed for Now

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Sorry guys, I'm putting this on hold for now. I'm gonna be making a new story that people might not really care about, but I don't care because I'm gonna write it anyway. It's from a roleplay I did with my friend, and we have our shippings in it. They're called, Honeyboo and CherryVanilla. Honeyboo is my friend's shipping, which is her character, Katie, and Underswap! Pap. While CherryVanilla is my shipping, which is my character, Ia, and Gaster! Sans. Not sure how long it'll be, but I'm gonna go write it. Just know that this isn't closed off forever, you guys can still ask questions, I just won't answer them right away. Anyways, if you wanna check out the new story, you can eheh...

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