Question 21: Sadness

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Sans: Yeah, we will. Go try and chear up Author-Chan, alright?
Silver: *Nods*
Z: *still crying*
Papyrus: Now then! No more tears from you, Z!*pulls Z into a hug*
Z: *chuckles slightly* *hugs back*
Sans: Sorry about your dad, Z...
Z: I-It's alright, Sans. It wasn't in my control...
Silver: *knocks on Author-Chan's door* Author-Chan? Are you alright?
Author-Chan: *No answer*
Silver: C'mon, I wanna help you with what's wrong!
Author-Chan: *opens door*
Silver: Woah, you're eyes are very red! Have you been crying this whole time?
Author-Chan: *nods*
Both: *walks into room*
Silver: Okay, what's up with ya? Why the emotional overload?
Author-Chan: Heh, s-sorry. I've been under stress...ya and all...
Silver: *raises eyebrow*
Author-Chan: Okay okay, s-so there's one more thing that has been bothering me....
Silver: And what's that?
Author-Chan: W-Well..I'll try not to get into's been a couple months since my boyfriend broke up with me...I can't stop remembering the memories we had...and I want to strangle him and murder him for being an ass to me!
Silver: Woah woah, calm down. It couldn't have been that bad...
Author-Chan: It was...he broke up through text...and now I have a new crush that I can't even express my feelings to...and it feels like my heart is tearing apart...
Silver: Oh...that's terrible...what a jerk! Who's the crush?
Author-Chan: N-No don't!

Ask Sans!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora