Move in Day

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Disclaimer: Just a couple of things I thought you guys should know before reading: The girls are all the same age except for Ally and you'll find out how old she is and more about her later. I'm not focusing on any other ships besides Laurmani in this but there will be some character development for all of the girls. Southern Florida State University is made up and if there is actually an SFSU that exists it isn't the one from this story. I know there are a couple things that might be wrong with the girls and their backgrounds (friends, family, etc) but try to overlook it, this is an AU and not everything is supposed to be exactly like it is in real life. 



Lauren sat stone-faced as she watched her mother straighten out the comforter on her bed from the desk across the room.

She stepped back and placed her hands on her hips, observing the made-up bed "What do you think, mija?" She asked Lauren without looking at her. Lauren shrugged "It's fine, I'm just not really feeling the tie-dye theme anymore." She replied half-heartedly as Clara swiveled around and met her daughter's empty gaze with a look of shock and frustration.

"Lauren!" Clara scolded as she picked up a bright purple throw pillow and wagged it in front of her face "We searched everywhere for this bed set for you! Do you not remember practically begging your father and I for it a couple of months ago?"

Lauren sighed "No I do! It's just..."

"Just what!?" Clara prodded. Lauren breathed and looked over at the bed directly across from hers. They'd gotten to the dorms that day to find that Lauren's new roommate, Camila, had already moved in. She'd completely outdone Lauren with her super chic black and white, printed bed spread and dangly decorations covering the walls, desk, and dresser on her side of the room. She'd obviously gotten her entire theme from someone's Pinterest board but Lauren had to admit that it came together really well and made her side look like a child's playroom.

She was suddenly regretting her decision to let her parents go dorm shopping without her but she'd never tell them that.

"I don't know. The tie-dye feels kind of...pueril." Lauren chewed her bottom lip as she watched her mother's face begin to turn red.

"Aye dios mio, Lauren." Clara groaned just as Lauren's father and brother walked back into the room.

"What's wrong?" Lauren's dad asked as he and Chris placed the boxes they'd carried in with them on the floor next to the bed.

"Your daughter says she doesn't like the bedspread we got her. She says it's 'babyish'."

Now Mike was looking at her with his hands on his hips as well "What? You told us you loved it when we first brought it home. It hasn't changed much since then."

Lauren rolled her eyes "Oh my God, okay I didn't mean I didn't like it, it's just..."

"I think she's feeling a little intimidated by her super cool mystery roommate over here." Chris mocked as he held up a throw pillow with the words "SLEEP. DREAM. REPEAT." written in bold, white letters on the front that he'd gotten from Camila's bed.

"Shut up!" Lauren yelled at him "And put that back." She quickly got up from her desk and snatched the pillow from Chris's hands, placing it back on her bed and turning to her parents.

"Is that true? Are you jealous?" Clara asked, her face softening a bit.

"No! I'm not jealous, I just didn't expect her side to come out so...professional looking. Otherwise I would've put a little more thought into my theme."

WingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora