A Hippie's Dream

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Chapter three is up! I'm excited for you guys to read this chapter because it's the first where some conflict arises. Nothing too major but we definitely get to see a little jealousy out of the girls. Also, Normani helping Lauren redecorate, how cute is that?

Again thank you  all for reading and the feedback I've been getting so far. Keep commenting and telling me what you like and even what you don't like.



"So, how many hot boys have you met so far?" Keana teased as Lauren held her phone to her ear and adjusted her position on her bed.

She rolled her eyes "None." She said sternly. They'd only been on the phone for five minutes and Keana was already pushing her buttons.

"Well, that's too bad. It's only been one day, there's still time. Have you at least seen anybody that's caught your eye?"

Without thinking Lauren muttered "Yeah." And then stopped talking. What had prompted her to say that? She hadn't seen any guys that even remotely caught her attention "I mean no. I mean I don't know, Keana." She groaned "Can we just talk about something different besides guys?" She pleaded.

Keana giggled "Fine, It's just you always used to want to talk about that kind of stuff. College has changed you, Lo." She joked.

Lauren laughed genuinely "How are you, Ke?"

"I'm swamped. I've got so many things to do and it's only the second week."

"Welcome to college."

"And how are you? How was your first night?"

"It was....actually really fun." She answered honestly

"Did you hang out with Camila?" Keana asked in a mocking tone

Lauren chuckled "No, I was actually with some girls that live on my floor. We met last night at a pre-game party and ended up ditching and going to do karaoke. It was cool."

Lauren thought back to the night before with a smile on her face. After they all had turns singing karaoke they went with Ally back to Keebler and hung out in the game room eating junk food and talking until 4 am.

"Oh wow, sounds like I'm being replaced already."

"Never. Although these girls are a bit less mouthy."

Keana scoffed "Oh whatever. After a week of being friends with you they'll have no choice but to be 'mouthy'."

Lauren laughed and then sighed "I miss you, Ke." She whispered sadly.

"I miss you more, Lo Lo. But I'm super happy that you're making friends and having a good time, even if it's without me."

Lauren was about to say something when Camila walked into their room wrapped in a towel, her shower caddy in one hand and her phone in the other "Yeah. Hey, I'm going to text you okay?"

"Yeah sure of course. Talk to you later."

"Bye." Lauren hung up the phone and smiled at Camila as she walked over to her side of the room and placed her caddy on her desk "Hey." She said sweetly.

Camila smiled back "Hey."

"How're you feeling?"

Camila shrugged "I'm alright, my head is pounding though. Last night was pretty crazy."

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