My Angel

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Okay so after some thinking and rearranging I've decided to stop writing "Grounded" and just continue the second part on this story. There were some errors and I really wanted to just start fresh. So here's the first chapter of the second part of "Wings".

Thank you all so much for the support on this story and I'm really looking forward to giving you guys more :) 



"Alright, ladies" Madame Heath said as she cut off their music "Great rehearsal. I want you all well rested and back here tomorrow ready to do it all over again. Same time." She clapped her hands together and all at once the girls fell out of line and went their separate ways to grab their things.

Normani walked over to one of the hooks on the wall and grabbed her bag, lacing it across her shoulder. She was headed for the door with the rest of the group when Madame Heath called out her name.

"Come." She instructed without looking up at her.

Normani nervously stepped away from the crowd and made her way over to where her teacher was standing sorting through a binder. She looked up finally when Normani was in front of her and smiled "Oh darling don't look so nervous. You aren't in trouble."

Normani let out a sigh of reprieve. She'd only been at Julliard for two months at that point and things were a lot harder than she'd anticipated. Trying to balance 5 different dance classes and training on top of the regular classes she was required to take all in a weeks' time was taking a toll on her. Not to mention the fact that the talent showcased there was something unlike anything Normani had ever seen. She'd thought that she was a force to be reckoned with but seeing the dancers at Julliard had humbled her immediately.

Her favorite class was Modern dance simply because it brought on the least amount of stress so the fact that Madame Heath wanted to speak with her privately had put Normani on edge.

"I've been watching you a lot and I have to say I'm impressed with how much you've grown since your first day in my class. You are obviously gifted and more importantly focused."

Normani smiled, relief washed over her body "I'm so happy to hear that, Ms. Heath. I've been trying my hardest."

She nodded "It shows. You seem to be taking this very seriously and it's because of that dedication that I'd like to ask if you'd like to be a feature in the duet for our spring showcase?"

Normani's breath got caught up in her throat as she processed the words that had just come out of her instructor's mouth. She'd only been a student there not even an entire year and not only that but she was a freshman, she'd been told that freshman were rarely ever featured in the showcases apart from group performances. She'd been so unsure of how well she was doing there and she was struggling to keep up in all of her other classes but Normani wanted this and Ms. Heath presenting this opportunity to her was proof that she was well on her way to getting to where she wanted to be.

"I..." she stuttered "I'm speechless. And so honored."

Ms. Heath chuckled "So does that mean you'll do it?"

Normani nodded her head quickly "Yes yes of course I'll do it. I'll do it!" She stammered, a wide grin spreading across her face like a wild fire.

"Great! You'll be dancing with one of my senior students Leigh Anne Pinnock. It's her last showcase so I'm letting her choreograph some of it. We'll meet tomorrow after class but I'd like it if the two of you would get acquainted before then." She went into the binder in her hands then and pulled out a sheet of paper "Here is all of her information, her cellphone number is right there so you can text or call her. There's an email there too if you're more comfortable with that. Just send her a quick shout, introduce yourself. I've already spoken with her about this so she'll be expecting you to reach out to her."

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