Working Towards Firsts and Forgiveness

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here is a very long chapter for you guys. I kind of got a little lost in it and wrote more than I intended but it all came together quite nicely if I do say so myself. It's amazing being able to finally come full circle, seeing all of the problems that I know a lot of you found over dramatic and unnecessary at times worked out. I for one am so happy that we've finally gotten to this point because I didn't really believe I'd ever finish this. 

I'm not quite done yet, still have one last chapter and then an epilogue maybe two but the ugly parts are out of the way. 

Thank you all so much for the patience and support you've shown towards my writing and this story and I hope you will all look at this chapter as a much deserved treat. The cherry on top of a pretty messy sundae.

This chapter is rated M for Mature. I hope you all aren't prudes like I am though I have a feeling you aren't ;)



The night had shifted a thousand different ways until they were working in Normani's favor. Until she no longer felt regret or pain or heartbreak and she was no longer undecided. She knew where she was meant to be, finally and it was right where she was, wrapped up in Lauren's embrace. It was as if they hadn't been apart for months before because they moved together like they knew exactly what to do. There were no nerves, there were no misapprehensions, only desperation as their words became lost on one another's lips.

They kissed like they belonged together and in the same sense had never realized it. Things had changed for Normani and she could feel that the same was true for Lauren who held onto her like she was different and didn't want to be. She felt her guilt and all of her fear in the way she was gripping her face and when Normani pulled away to look into her eyes she tried to reassure her with no words that everything was better now. With a swipe of her thumb across Lauren's cheek, she watched as the green in her eyes danced and felt the hurt she'd been feeling since the day Normani had left for New York. She finally understood why Lauren had thought breaking up was the best thing, not for them, but for her and empathized with her. She looked at Normani like she'd be lost without her and she finally realized then that that's exactly what it had felt like with her gone, that Lauren didn't think or didn't want to be strong without her there in the flesh, in her arms.

Normani started wondering briefly if she too would've grown exhausted of making their relationship enough for her through the distance and was suddenly so far from angry with Lauren that she'd regretted ever being upset in the first place. It must've taken all of the courage in the world to admit that living so far away from each other would've torn them apart eventually anyways.

She didn't say anything about it and instead leaned forward and brought their lips together again. They were and probably had always been touch and caress. The embodiment of their love lied in the physical, in the way that Lauren's fingers lightly danced across her bare arm on one hand and still held to the side of her face with the other. In the way that Normani placed her own hands on Lauren's breast bone and held them there, feeling her heart beating hard and fast against her palm. The way that their lips were pulled together like some sort of magnetic law of attraction that said they needed to kiss more than they needed to breathe. Touch was everything they were.

Lauren tried to take in air while never pulling away and it made Normani giggle gently. She felt her lips curl into a smile and she finally moved her head back so that she could return one to her. The loss of contact was missed the second it ended but Normani felt like looking at Lauren was just as fulfilling "No stopping this time?" she asked as Lauren moved her hands over her shoulders and down until they were on her waist.

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