Moving Mountains

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This is, in my opinion, the sweetest chapter so far. No angst or uncertainty, just love. I hope you all really enjoy it as much as you can because the next one will not be such a joyous occasion. 

The end of part 1 is near and the inevitable goodbye is coming. 

Thank you for sticking with the story so far and I hope you enjoy reading this chapter!


The kisses grew in intensity as Lauren's hands found their place on the curve of each of Normani's hips. She gripped the girl's sides firmly as she leaned in closer, causing the tips of their noses to brush up against one another.

Normani smelled like cinnamon and she tasted like a variety of mixed drinks and Lauren had never loved the taste of alcohol more than she did in that moment. It had always been way too strong for her and she'd always believed that it tasted like it was supposed to be used to disinfect rather than drink but on Normani's lips it was like heaven.

Normani's lips period were like heaven.

Soft and full, they felt like rose petals and even drunk, Normani was an amazing kisser. Much like when she'd danced for her, Lauren found herself transfixed by the motions and movements of Normani's mouth against hers.

Quick pecks, slow drawn out grazes, rough, spontaneous bites, like she was brewing up a spell. The nervousness that Normani had expressed to her earlier was nonexistent and it could've been because she was drunk or it could've been because she'd been dying to do it but Normani had been able to take full control over Lauren as they kissed.

It was as if everything, her body, mind, and sense of time and reality, were all a slave to her lips. She smiled then and Normani pulled away, causing Lauren to snap out of her trance and fall forward from the loss of contact.

Normani kept her face in her hands and pulled her head up again so that they were looking into each other's eyes. She stared at her, a restless smile playing on her lips, and Lauren squeezed her sides and stared back, both out of breath and both eager to get back to the place they'd been moments before.

Normani giggled, biting her lips and shaking her head "You are so beautiful." She whispered gently before kissing Lauren again.

"So beautiful." She pecked her lips "And I never..." then her cheek "want to..." her jaw line "stop kissing you." Now she was placing fevering open, mouthed kisses against Lauren's throat, touching spots that made Lauren shudder.

She moved lower to her collar bone and Lauren was grateful that she was wearing a shirt with a low neck line. Normani nipped gently at her skin and then moved back up to her face where she whispered "I just want to kiss you everywhere." Breathlessly against her lips.

Lauren's eyes fluttered shut as Normani brought her hands up to run them through her hair. This time, it was Lauren's turn to make a move and she opened her mouth allowing Normani's tongue entrance to explore.

She took the invitation.

As their tongues danced, Lauren removed her hand from Normani's side and placed it behind her head, gripping her neck and pulling her closer.

She moaned into her mouth and a ripple of electricity pulsated throughout Lauren's body. She wanted her more than anything but as the heat began pooling in the pit of her stomach she pulled away before it could travel any lower.

Normani seemed disoriented and disappointed and Lauren smirked at the fact that she'd been enjoying the session as much as she had. She took Normani's free hand into her own then and kissed it gently "I love this." She said sadly as she looked down at their hands in her lap and caressed Normani's gently with her thumb "I never want this to end."

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