After Party

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Okay, so this is the chapter that I and the rest of you readers have been waiting for. I've been looking forward to this chapter since I came up with this story and I have to admit that even I was not prepared for the feels it gave me when I read it over. 

I hope you all really enjoy this and again thank you for the support so far. The last two chapters of part 1 will be up tomorrow! 


"Mani, please?" Dinah begged on the other end of the phone.

"Okay, fine. I'm walking in right now, what do you need me to get?" She'd been at the library when Dinah had called and begged her to go back to their room to get her some clothes so that she could stay over Trevor's that night.

She'd been a little confused as to why she couldn't just get the clothes herself and a little hurt that Dinah didn't want to spend their last night together as roommates but she didn't question it. She figured whatever reason Dinah had for acting so strangely was good.

"I just need some pajamas, my toothbrush, and my hair stuff. Thank you so much, Mani. Really, I love you."

Normani rolled her eyes "Yeah, whatever. Be there in 15 minutes." She hung up and as she was checking her phone for any new messages she didn't notice someone in front of her. The person must've been preoccupied as well because they ran right into Normani, causing her to drop her phone "Ow, what the hell." She cursed as she bent down to get her phone.

"Jesus, I'm so sorry." The familiar voice said as she bent down to help Normani.

"Yeah, watch where the fu..." Normani stopped mid-sentence and looked up, her eyes coming in contact with bright, green ones. Her mouth hung open as her nerves began spreading throughout her body "Lauren." She whispered.

Lauren smiled gently "How's your phone?" she asked as Normani picked it up and they both stood to face one another.

Normani smiled then too but quickly shook her head and looked down to assess the damage "'s good. Fine." She looked at Lauren again then "Hi."

Lauren giggled "Hi. Long time no see."

Normani bit her lip "Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I've been studying all week, I should've checked in with you but..."

Lauren placed her hand on Normani's arm and she retracted slightly from fear that she'd be able to tell how badly she was shaking "It's ok. You don't have to explain, I understand."

Normani took a deep breath. It felt like the room was spinning suddenly and there wasn't enough air for the two of them to breathe at the same time. It seemed like Lauren was feeling the same, she could feel her fingertips quivering on her arm. Lauren quickly tore her hand away and held onto it with her other once she'd seen that Normani could tell "Um, so how did they go? Your exams?" She asked. It was awkward but neither one of them had seen each other in a week and they were both desperate for interaction.

Normani smiled and nodded "I aced them."

Lauren smiled then to, wider this time as she held her hand up for a high five "Nice!" She said supportively as Normani slapped her hand.

For a moment, all of the tension of the past few days went away and they were just two best friends again talking about grades but when Lauren closed her fingers around Normani's hand and she didn't pull away the electric shock between them returned.

And with that came the reminder that they had problems that needed to be solved.

"Um, we should talk. You know about..."

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