Clipped Wings

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I'm so happy that you guys are enjoying the story though I know things have been very gloomy and this chapter is no better. I promise the next chapter will be much happier considering the circumstances.

I did add Normani's POV in this but it's very short and only serves the purpose of moving the plot along. I hope you all like this new update and stay tuned for the next chapter.


Lauren rushed out of Normani's room in a frenzy and quickly let herself into her own bedroom before anyone could see her. She shut the door behind her and leaned against it, her breathing sharp and hollow.

She hated this so much.

She hated how upset Normani leaving was making her and she hated pretending that she was okay with it even more. The truth was that Lauren had wanted to beg her to stay every day since she'd found out but she couldn't be selfish, not when this was Normani's chance to do something that she loved. This wasn't about her and Lauren could accept that but it didn't make the pain any less easy to bare.

Tears fell down her cheeks as she caught her breath. She'd have to face Normani again eventually and explain herself, especially now that everything was basically out in the open.

"Why'd you kiss her, idiot?" she whispered to herself as she thought back to moments before. She brought her finger to her lips and reminisced. The kiss couldn't have lasted more than three seconds but Lauren's head was still spinning.

This hadn't been the plan, she was supposed to pretend that she felt nothing until Normani left and then try and forget about her after the fact. Lauren thought she was strong enough to handle another couple months of faking her feelings but Normani had such a pull on her that it was almost impossible at that point to even be in the same vicinity as her and act like she wasn't interested in her.

To make matters worse, it was now clear that these feelings that Lauren had been having were not one sided. Normani had made that clear after she'd been willing to openly touch and stare at Lauren back in her room.

She tried to fight the urge honestly but there was a part of her that wanted to know what kissing the girl she was in love with felt like so badly and it just took over all other senses. She had no control.

Lauren wiped her face, took a deep breath, and stood up straight. She placed her book bag down and climbed onto her bed as she went into her pocket to get her phone.

Normani had texted her three times and called once. Lauren prayed she wouldn't come over, no matter how badly she wanted to see her she knew she wasn't strong enough to face her yet.

She unlocked her phone and went into her call log, scrolling and pressing dial when she'd come across the person she wanted to speak to.

The phone rang three times before the person sent Lauren to voicemail. She broke down as she let the voice message play out:

"Hi, this is Keana. I can't come to the phone right now but if you leave your name, number, and a message I'll get back to you. Have a great day!"

Lauren took a deep breath as the machine beeped "Hi, Ke. It's me. I know you're probably still really mad at me and I've said sorry a billion times but I really need to talk to you right now. You're the only one I can talk to, please call me back." She hung the phone up and rested her head against the wall behind her.

Her and Keana had gotten into a huge fight over Thanksgiving break. It had been over something really dumb that Lauren had said while they were drunk one night and she couldn't even remember what she'd said but Keana hadn't spoken to her since.

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