Don't Think About It

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Okay so I hope you all are a lot more content with this chapter then I was while writing it. The reason it took so long, besides the fact that I am a self-destructive procrastinator, is because I was trying to figure out how to write Normani and Leigh Anne's first time together. It's been a while since I've written any smut for public consumption and I was struggling with trying to balance tasteful and sexy while avoiding porny. In the end, I decided that I'd just keep it simple and vague and save the smutty details for Normani and Lauren's first time in later chapters. 

I don't necessarily feel like this is my best work but I'm hoping you all will be better judges of my writing then I am. 

Anyways thank you as always for the support and comments and love you've all shown to my story so far and I am so excited to give you all more very soon!



The air was heavy with tension and they held their places in front of one another. Leigh Anne with her hand to Normani's cheek, Normani's hand holding it there. There was no movement for a few seconds, no breathing, just gazing. Very intense gazing.

Leigh Anne moved her thumb then, brushed it along her face slowly, gently "I'd like to kiss you again." She said sweetly as her eyes followed the graceful patterns her thumb made. Normani didn't respond, just swallowed knowing she wasn't done speaking yet "But I want to make sure..." she looked into her eyes again "I want to make sure you want to."

They were so close, so locked in with one another, that it felt like dangling off of a cliff. Normani pictured herself teetering on the edge of Leigh Anne's words as she spoke them. She could do this, give in. She'd put so much thought into everything and she was tired of it. It would've been smart for Nomani to keep her guard up, especially considering she'd just barely gotten over a heartbreak. Going this new route would mean walling off the old ones, moving on for good.

A small part of her was telling her to just wait but when she asked what for it didn't respond.

She let the voice fall away, shaking off her restraints and squeezing Leigh Anne's hand still on her cheek. She turned her head slightly towards it and placed a soft kiss to her wrist "I want to."

It looked like magic the way the two of them moved towards each other at the same time. It felt the same as their lips met. It was the kind of shock that pulls you in rather than draws you away. In the moment, it did not matter to Normani what had been or what would be. The small voice wasn't there, tempting her.

The only temptations orbiting her every thought and movement were Leigh Anne's lips against her own, her fingers on one hand trailing along her back, the other still cradling her cheek. The smell of her playful fruit scented perfume mixed with the familiar aroma of product she'd used in her hair that day.

Normani pulled away then and just stared at her, her hands laced together around the girl's neck. She didn't move either as she allowed Normani to drink her in with her eyes. She sighed, desire pounding against her heart "I want you." She let one of her hands free from the other to bring it to Leigh Anne's cheek. She moved towards the side of her face and began placing fevering kisses there. Leigh Anne reacted coyly at first and it surprised Normani. She was usually strong, tamed, and confident but Normani's actions against her neck made her seem vulnerable.

It was a change in demeanor that Normani welcomed as she held tighter to Leigh Anne with both hands this time. She trailed her kisses down her neck as her hands fell to Leigh Anne's shoulders. She hooked a finger underneath the blue strap of the tank top she was wearing and pulled it down. When she went to do the same thing to the other one Leigh Anne stopped her, taking her hand and moving her head back prompting Normani to stop what she was doing and look at her.

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