New Friends, New Feelings

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Hey guys, thanks so much for the feedback that I've been getting so far! I'm so happy you guys are liking it and want to read more. Things are still progressing pretty slowly but it is only the second chapter so just be patient. The chapters to come will focus a lot more on Lauren and Normani's relationship and explore the feelings that they keep having whenever they're together. I'm really excited for you guys to read more and I hope you enjoy this new chapter!



"How does this look?" Dinah asked Normani as she posed in a short black dress.

Normani sat up on her bed and crossed her legs "It's really cute but don't you think it's a bit much for some open mic night?"

Dinah chuckled "Yeah, girl that's why we aren't going to the open mic night." Dinah said as she checked herself out in the mirror "I didn't tell you?"

Normani raised an eyebrow "Um no. Tell me what?"

"I talked to some of the guys after the meeting and they said that there was a party off campus." She walked back over to her bed and began sifting through the pile of clothes that covered it.

"Dinah..." Normani groaned.

"What? Come on, you don't party?"

"No I do party it's just that it's our first night here and..." She looked down at her comforter "I was kind of looking forward to open mic night."

"Oh come on, you can't be serious. Karaoke sounded fun too but it's our first night on our own, you want to spend it singing?"

Normani shrugged "I mean there will be plenty of parties." She suggested.

"And there will be plenty of other events hosted by the school, there's going to be a whole weekend full of corny activities. I think we can skip this one. Please? You told me you loved to dance, come on." Dinah pleaded.

Normani sighed. She was really looking forward to karaoke but she also wanted to experience every aspect of college life and that included partying, even on her first night. Plus, she was starting to feel a little homesick and if anything could get her mind off of wanting to call her mother and having to deal with her "I told you so" attitude it was dancing "Okay." Dinah clapped her hands happily "Where is this party at anyways?"

"I don't know, some frat house." Dinah said as she walked back to the mirror and held a similar looking blue dress up in front of her.

Normani sucked her teeth "A frat house!?"

Dinah giggled "What?"

"Do you honestly expect us to have a better time at a frat house than open-mic night?"

"Well from what I know about you so far you can probably get it poppin' anywhere. Plus, white people now and days aren't so bad at throwing hot parties. I went to a couple before I left Cali and they were pretty lit. I don't really know how they are out here but I'm assuming they're all pretty much the same."

Normani rolled her eyes. She could tell Dinah was a daredevil, down to try anything and though it made her a bit nervous she decided she needed a little spontaneity in her life. She nodded "Okay, but you have to help me find something to wear. And we aren't going alone!" she warned thinking back to all of those stories her father had told her about girls being violated on college campuses.

"Of course we aren't going alone, we're meeting a bunch of people at a room to pregame and then we're going. And of course I'll help you find something to wear." Dinah made her way back to her bed and then stopped when she noticed Normani looking at her. She chuckled "What girl?"

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