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SCHOOL was becoming almost as annoying as putting up with Cara. She had a variety of weird habits that confused me.

Over wrapping my lunch with tinfoil was only one of the many surprises. And mum could put up with them less than me.

"Cara, there's a sock on the counter." Mom sighed, picking it up and tossing it at her.

Cara picked it up from where it had fallen onto the chair and sniffed it.

"Definitely dirty," she said, her nose contorted in ew.

I laughed. "I thought you liked boys with hygiene?"

"I have hygiene. Just no clean socks." She surfed through different channels on the remote.

Mom was sitting at the island on a spinny stool, twirling her butt left and right as she squinted at the computer screen. I was stationed at the stove, making Kraft Dinner.

"Any good channels?" I asked, stirring the pot of boiling pasta.

"Nah.." Cara gave up and shut the TV off. She angled herself so that her head touched the floor, upside-down. Her hair flopped messily around her face, and she let her arms fall to the carpet too.

"I'm booored..." Cara whined, sniffing.

"Ugh, be quiet." Mum said, rubbing her temple as she typed.

"IIivveeee...?" Cara looked at me with puppy dog eyes.

"What? Do you think I can pull candy out of my a.ss?

"Language." my mom said.


I poured the noodles into the strainer and added them back into the pot with cheese powder and milk.

"I want the biggest bowl," mum sighed, closing the laptop.

Just then, the bell rang.

"I got it." I blurted, walking to the door. I swore, if it was Nick again--

I opened the door and blinked. "Oh." It wasn't Nick.

"Hi," my ex-boyfriend said, his hands in his pockets. His breath made condensation in the air.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Um, I heard about your nose..."

"That was two weeks ago."

"...and I just now found the balls to come."

"Oh," I repeated.

"So... how are you?" he ran a hand through his hair.

"Fine, now. It was just broken."

"That sucks."

I didn't know what to say, so I sighed, and dug my bare toes into the carpet.

"I'll go." he said quietly.

"Okay." I tried not to sound too relieved.

He left. I shut the door and walked back into the kitchen. Cara handed me a bowl of noodles.

"Who was it?" she asked, moving the pasta around with her fork.

"Nick." I lied, sitting down.

i am getting behind, ugh. need to write chapters, but i'm sooo lazzyyy

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