Since We Were Kids

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Zelda had gone on a field trip to the Kokiri forest, much like the times she would run away with Link when they were young, and they would play together in Castle Town. This time she was alone in the clearing of the great Deku tree.

She wasn't exactly avoiding everyone, she just didn't want to join in whatever party that Link's shadow was going to throw. He always had the weird games. Why had they invited him anyways? Since when had he become good?

She heard a rustle of leaves behind her. "No," she said, even before she turned around. She already knew who it was. She could feel the dark mischievous aura.

"Aww c'mon, Zelda," Dark begged.

Zelda folded her arms. "Why in Hyrule would I want to."

"Because I can make sure you get Link..."

"In what?" Zelda asked warily.

"Seven minutes in heaven."

"What is that?"

"It's a game where two people get in a closet and do whatever they want inside."

"Let me guess, for seven minutes..."

"Correct! So, wanna do it?"


Obviously Dark hadn't expected that as an answer because he had already turned and was walking away. "Why not?"

"I don't like to cheat, whatever game."

"Fine. Come and watch then."

Zelda narrowed her eyes. "Just watch?"

"Yep," Dark replied and turned around once more to head towards Link's Kokiri house.

When she climbed the ladder first she was immediately grateful she was wearing pants instead of her long dresses, especially with Dark climbing up behind her.

She sat on the edge of Link's bed. The look on her face made it plain that she didn't want to be there.

Link caught her eye and gave her a small smile.

She cheered up a little bit and waved.

"Alright, form a semicircle," Dark commanded.

They all tried and failed pretty badly except for Zelda; she stayed on the bed. Dark seemed satisfied with the strangely shaped half circle, and he took the bowl filled with names and shook it a bit ominously in his hand.

Zelda was suddenly very grateful she wasn't playing.

Dark was scoping the crowd, trying to gauge who his first victim should be.

He fell upon Mido.

The rude Kokori put his hand in the bowl and unfolded the piece of paper he drew out. Then Dark took it from him and shouted. "Saria!"

Link frowned slightly, but he knew better than to argue. The rules were the rules, besides, Saria was smiling as Mido offered her a hand and she trailed after him into the closet.

For the first few minutes, Zelda could faintly hear voices coming from the closet, but she wasn't close enough to hear just what was being said. Then there was a thump against the door and she felt the heat rise in her face. What where they....

After several cheers and wolf whistles from some of the audience, the seven minutes were up. Dark opened the door, expecting anything but what he saw. Saria and Mido looking perfectly normal, sitting next to each other. "Did you.... Kick the door...?"

Saria burst out laughing as she nodded. Mido was blushing slightly, though, so Zelda assumed something must have happened in there.

"Alright, we're ready for our next pair, who will hopefully be more cooperative...."

Shadow wasted no time in putting the basket in front of Link.

Zelda's pulse quickened. Who would Link get?

Dark took the piece of paper and said. "Zelda."

"But I didn't... " Zelda glared at Dark. "I said I didn't want to-"

"Well, there's no going back now. Link drew your name so..." Dark said as he grabbed her wrist and dragged her behind him. Curse his strength. Link followed slowly, and they were both shut inside the closet.

This was either going to be a very bad seven minutes, or seven minutes that she would never forget. Probably both.

"I'm sorry Zelda, I didn't know what he was planning..." Link said as he pressed himself back against his own closet wall.

"It's not your fault. I shouldn't have agreed to come watch, I should have known he had a trick or two planned."

"But...the name I drew wasn't yours... When Dark took it away and lied about who I'd gotten... And when he said your name I... I didn't argue... "

"Why not? Who's name did you get?"


"But she'd already been..."

"I know... I suspect Dark is setting everyone up."

"But why my name then..." she whispered.

"Don't you know?"

Zelda looked up at him through the darkness. "Know what?"

"That I'm in love with you."

Zelda was shocked speechless.

"Have been since we were kids."

Had Link just confessed?


"Uh...well... same...." she managed to get out.

Link smiled and he raised his hand and lightly touched her cheek. "Well then... shall we play the game?"

Zelda's cheeks lit up in a blush as she lowered her head slightly and nodded.

His smile grew wider before he lifted her head with a gentle hand under her chin so he could look at her gorgeous eyes which seemed to sparkle even in the gloom of the dark closet.

He leaned forwards slowly, and she came up to meet him. It was a small kiss; a little peck. Neither of them had done anything like that before. Zelda drew back and looked at him, her face felt like it was on fire again.

Link's smile this time seemed gentle... Almost slack, like he was in a daze. He leaned forwards again and kissed her again gently.

Then the door flew open and they broke apart.

Dark grinned. "You're welcome."

Link smirked. "You can shut up."

Zelda blushed as Link pulled her by the wrist and brought her out of the house.

Zelink Oneshots (The Legend Of Zelda) Where stories live. Discover now