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A/N Cara's wolf Sophi on top ppl! ;D


This is being re-posted after I took it down for editing.. I'm still not curtian about somethings but be assured I wont take it back down.
However I am looking for editors.

Another important side note; Slow-ish updates at least two/three chapters a month.

Cara is young 14 year old girl who loves to play in the woods, be friendly and meet new people. Her parents love her to death, that's one of the reasons they named her Cara the name means beloved. She is an only child even though she wishes for a sibling. She was actually a miracle 'cause her mother wasn't supposed to be able to have children children. And yes she is a werewolf, a beta werewolf at that.


Ain on the other hand is 16 years old and is a school Jock. He isn't a fan of being mean so stays far of when the others get themselves in trouble. He loves the feel of wind in his face. As an Alpha wolf he is usually busy but still loves to socialize. Twist is he is very dominant.



Age: 16
Height: 6'0
Pack: Pouncing rave
Wolf: Daniel
Family: dad, Alpha Landen. mom, Luna Vida. Sister age 14, Hannah. Brother age 4, Tate.
Friends: Jae age 16, Dane age 15, Rafe age 17, Elle age 15, Dian age 18 and Jemma age 16.
Beta: Jea
Delta: Rafe


Age: 14
Height: 5'6
Pack: Twilight moon
Wolf: Sophi
Family: mom, beta female Ally. dad, beta male Dixon.
Friends: (has thousands but these are main friends) Elle, Trix age 13, Jenny age 14, Josh age 15 and Max age 14.
Alpha: Ed
Luna: Cathy
Delta: Kevin

Any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
I know this intro sucked, sorry.

Thanks to those of you who have supported me from the begging 

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