✔Chapter 5- (Part 2) Daddy

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A/N The last chapter sucked and I am so sorry. Thank you. NaturallyFabulous_ for the support. And here you go a much deserved better chapter.

Btw Josh on side, I changed him, for all you who read this already

Edit- I decided to double update just because the last one was crappy
Cara P.O.V

Unfortunately Mulan ended and Trix insisted that I tell Josh before he hears it from someone else. So I asked Josh to follow me to my room, when we got there Ginger was on the bed but not for long casue as she saw Josh she jumped off and ran behind me hiding,

I closed the door before picking the kitten up, "You may want to sit." He did so and I sat across from him in my and Gingers rocking chair, she loves when we sit here.

"Josh... I didn't want to tell you... I love you, do know that.... I found my mate... " he seemed to have a moment of weakness then his face went blank. "I know, " "What how?" He sighed, "I knew before you did, the way Ain growled at us and glared.. at first I thought he was jealous but then it hit me. "

I was kind of hurt he didn't tell me, "why.. why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't say anything because I didn't want you to leave me, I was being jealous and selfish." He lowered his head, I didn't know how to feel, but I knew he genuinely hated himself for what he did so I knew I had to comfort him.

I got up, but Ginger down and hugged him tight. He hugged back and started to cry, he cried hard as I held him. When he stopped crying, after about fifteen minutes, I let him go only to see he'd cried himself to sleep, he really is a baby. I chuckle softly. I lay him gently on my bed and pick up ginger who curled into my jacket pocket and disappeared to those who couldn't feel her in my jacket moving around.

I walked down stairs and as I hit the bottom floor the door bell rang, "I got it!!" I ran to the door and opened it only to see "Ain!"

I hugged my mate.... I'll never get used to saying that, as he smiles down at me. I hear my dad clear his throat, I stand up straight blushing since I didn't notice him behind us.

"We have a meeting to get to" he walked away and me and Ain just stood there for a bit, "you're cute when you blush" Ain whispers before following my dad. I pout and mumble "am not" and trail after them.

When we got there Alpha Ed had his mate Luna Cathy on his lap his arms around her waist as they smiled at each other, I kinda felt jealous not of Luna but of their relationship it was so sweet. I shivered suddenly feeling cold, I think Ain notices because he gave me a worried look.

"Ummm, should we come back later?" My dad asked, Alpha Ed looked at us then at his mate and then back at us "no no need. Actually I think your mate should be here to." Alpha informed. Daddy's eyes glazed over, and soon mum appears, we all take a seat and begin. Dad sat with mum on his lap as Alpha and Luna had. Ain sat next to me a bad arms length from each other.

"Moew" Ginger pokes her head from in my jacket and looks around till she spots Ain, I honestly forgot she was in there, "meow" Ain smiled at her and took her from me, and she imediatly tried to disappear into his arms she hates other people looking at her.

"Now Alpha Ain we understand that your mate is our beta's daughter Cara? True or False?" Alpha asked, "true." Ain state's firmly suddenly in Alpha mode or is it mate mode? "Good, but she is young a whole 2 years, or is it 3?" Alpha asked, "3" Ain confirmed, three!! I thought he was 16? Maybe he's turning 17? Wow he is old, hehe.

"Dixon (Cara's dad's name) you do know the law right?" Dad nodes frowning, what law? "Good just for any of us that don't know the law, " Alpha stopped to look at me, "The law stated that any mates found under the age of 16 must go through their mate's parents. Their fore Alpha Ain as the law states you have to get permission from both parents." Ain nodes jaw clenched actually everyone seemed upset. What was it they knew I didn't? Note to self ask Ain later.

"But question either way don't mates need each other? No matter what age, I mean one of us could-" I was cut off quickly. "You aren't dieing anytime soon." Ain and dad growled out. I raise my hands in surrender. Alpha Ed laughed and started to explain, "yes that is true your right. But you see years ago a 25 year old found hid 14 year old mate. The girls father didn't like her mate, long story short the girl and the man ran away with the mother's permission and well war broke out causing the mother the girl and her mate dieing."

I heard Ain mumble something about his dad and a story.

I was shocked, that actually happened. I looked at my mother, then father then Ain. Ain isn't 25 but he still is older not by 10 year only 3. I horrible thought goes across my mind and I whimper. That could have happen to me if this law wasn't in order, mother was always the understanding one.

"On a less depressing note. I think Ain and Dixon have something to speak about let's go. " I watched as Alpha and Luna got up and mother came over to me I stood with her giving both dad and Ain a look of plea. "Oh before we leave Cara spread the good news Cathy is pregnant." I got up right away looking wide eyed at my Luna. "Oh my gosh congratulations!!" I ran up to her and hugged her, gently.

She seemed flustered and I realised the mistake I made. Letting go quickly, "sorry." I heard her laugh then hug me back "thank you beta Cara." She whispers. I smile.

After that we left the office.


It's been a whole 5 hours since we left my dad and Ain in the office. An hour after we left them we heard shouting but then it settled down and then turned into harsh whispers that weren't so soft. I was really scared and pacing up and down didn't help like I thought it would but honestly I can't sit still!!!

Ain had given Ginger to me before entering and I'd put Ginger in her room.

"Ugh Cara sit down before I tie you to a chair or something!! " Jenny shouts annoyed I look at her then go back to pacing. "Your making me dizzy." Max informs, I scoff "then stop following me with your eyes!" "Tochè" I roll my eyes. "Its not like they are gunna kill each other. " Trix says calmly. That's exactly what I'm afraid of.

The door opens and we all stand up to see dad and Ain doing a bro hug thing. What the hell happened? I see dad has a black eye and Ain had a huge cut on his perfect face. Hold on perfect?

Mum runs to dad being the protective mate and growling at Ain. I hold back the urge to growl right back as I walk over. I hug him. "What happened?" I ask softly tracing his cut, he smiles "we bonded" I raised an eyebrow but didn't push anything. "Ready for that date?" I laugh. "Sure."

I run upstairs and change, i give sleeping Josh a kiiss on the head then meet Ain at the door. I feel a pang of something like I'm cheating or he deserves to be in my life but I don't know what it is. I take one more look up the stairs then go to Ain's outstretched arms.

Maybe there's something I'm missing or should know......

A/N hey so that's short af And I'm sorry. I really am but hey you got an update!!

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