✔Chapter 7- No joke

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A/N Zion on side.

Cars P.O.V

I woke up with Josh at my side, he was awake but seemed to be crying. I felt really bad. I sat up and pulled Josh up with me, I held him close like a baby and kissed his head and cheeks till he calmed down.

Is it bad I have feelings for Josh when I have, not one but two, mates?

"I'm so sorry." I whisper gently, he hugs me and hides his face in my neck. I feel his tears run down my neck to my collarbone, at some point Ginger walks in and hesitantly cuddles Josh too. We stayed like that for, God knows how long, and Josh fell to sleep. I didn't move, I was perfectly fine with staying here enjoying his calm aroma. 


The door swung open and both Zion and Ain walked in they both looked upset not angry but definitely upset. "Why is he touching you like that!" Ain asked, I roll my eyes and keep rubbing Josh's back trying to keep him asleep. Zion looked hurt and he just kept quiet while Ain let off some steam. Ain kept shouting so I gently lay Josh on the bed, picked Ginger up and got up, I swore I heard him whimper but ignored it.

I took Zion by the hand giving him a reassuring smile. I then grab Ain by his ear and drag him outside the door, closing it behind me. Zion hugs me from behind probably feeling my anger at Ain rise, "calm the hell down!" I whispers yell, "why? Cause you were cuddling with your ex?" I feel Zion stiffen. "Sigh, look he is upset, and I care for him whether he is my mate or not. So get used to it." I say feeling guilty. Ain comes close to me he gently forces me to look at him, he then pecks my lips, much to Zion's discomfort.

Ain walks out after that. I give into Zion's embrace and he holds me up so I don't crumble to my knees. He gently falls to the floor me still in his hands, he brushes a bit of my hair out of my face and smiles trying to not show his hurt. "I'm sorry." I whisper, he smiles a real smile then kisses my head.

Ginger pops her head from in my shirt and Zion stares at her, "Zion this is Ginger, she's not a fan of people cause when we found her she was being abused." Zion looked sad, he put his hand out and she sniffed it before giving his hand a small lick then disappearing into my shirt again.

We both awwed.

"Hey Cara! What happened? Ain is out there running like he's trying to burn off his fur, you should sto-" Jenny stops herself as she sees me and Zion. "Oh?" I chuckle at her face. I reach my hand out to Max who is behind her, he helps me up. Sorry tries to help me up.

Zion, swats his hands away and lifts me to my feet, I sigh. This possessive thing needs to stop, "Zion, meet my friends, Max and Jenny." I introduce putting emphasis on friends 

"We are going to the beach! Go grab Trix and meet me at the door!" I shout unnecessarily. I'm so sick off the pack house plus we haven't been to the beach since last year summer, I'm deprived!! My servants depart and I go to mom's room, 'KNOCK KNOCK'  "come in." I enter and run to the huge king sized bed. Jumping and landing happily on the super soft bed, "your going to hurt yourself one of these days." Dad says knowingly, he used to do it to till he fell flat on his face.

"Sorry, " I sit next to mom on the floor, "May I go to the beach?" She gives me a look, and I knew I made a big mistake by asking her instead of dad. According to her the ocean is dangerous and could take her only baby away. I love my parents, they love me more, but sometimes it gets annoying. "Ok thanks for the permission, bye." I get up o run but the devil catches me. I look up a her with the puppy dog eyes. "No need for that we are happy you actually asked instead of going off on your out own." I smile." Go ahead." yes!!!

I run out the room, but quickly return around and run back in giving my mom a huge hug and kiss. "Thank you." then I run back out. I quickly go into my room running into my closet and changing into (A/N Stuff on side.)

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