✔Chapter 1- Expectations

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A/N Ain's wolf, Daniel.  He is so handsome. 

(✔) means the chapter is edited.

Cara P.O.V

"New school starts tomorrow, and I'm gonna die!" Trix exclaimed. We all laughed, "it's true though. " Max agreed. "Think about it this way, we get to meet each other tomorrow." Elle inspired. "She has a point." Josh shrugged.

It's 11:30pm and my closest friends Elle, Trix, Josh, Max and Jenny are Skyping. Josh, Jenny, Trix and Max and I are all in the same pack, the Twilight moon pack.

While Elle is part of the Pouncing rave pack. We have never met her in person, we accidentally skyped her when we were group skyping, and well we all just got close to her. I know stranger danger but she's really nice.

My pack actually moved close to their pack, over the summer. Rogues have become a huge problem where we come from and so our Alpha decided it best to claim new land. The trip was tiring for all and not all of us made it... but we are safer now and we've made great new allies.

Now we all go to the same school, which starts tomorrow. No one from the pack under the age of 20 has left the pack house for the last 2 months because Alpha wanted to be sure that we were safe and that the Alpha next door wouldn't attack us, so everyone's itching to get out the house.

Would say I'm excited too but I'm really shy when it comes to new people. Yeah I'm a hyper super friendly girl but I even I have my limits.

My first friend was Josh, he was that super quiet guy that still had lots of friends and I was the Beta's daughter that everyone wanted to be friends with. We both had trust issues with people till we met each other, we brought out the best in each other all the time and soon our two person group turned into a five person group then into a six person group when we met Elle.

Back to the point though, the night before the first day of school none of us can get to sleep. Not that we've tried.

Just thought I'd add that it doesn't make sense for us to be Skyping. I mean Max, Trix, Jenny, Josh and I live in the pack house together. So we could be in one room Skyping but nooo we are all in our bedrooms to lazy to get up to go to someone's room so we don't waste electricity.

"Earth to Cara!!!" I look back at the screen. "Sorry what?" Jenny shook her head, "Girl you need to pay more attention!" Trix, scolded. I shrugged, "I have a lot of things going on in my pretty little head." they laughed. 

I heard a knock and thought it was from my door so I got up to answer it till I hear a loud powerful voice shout at Elle. From what I could see a man around our age stormed into Elle's room, "Elle! Calm down and go to sleep now!" The person shouted, I couldn't really see but that voice gave me shivers. Elle chuckled, "gtg guys!" then she signed off. 

"Who was that? " Trix asked, "you think I know!?" Max asked, obviously irritated by the inturuption. "he is so hot~" Jenny sighed, I rolled my eyes, "everyone is hot to you." 

It's true, one time this footballer bumped into her and she fell head over heels, both literally and figuratively. He wasn't even cute, if anything he was below average looking. 

"Not true!!" Jenny complained, I laughed quietly.

"Can we talk about the fact she said the actual abbreviation of 'got to go?' "Trix says, we all look at her and shrug like it's normal and she groans and mumbles something about being the only normal person in our group.

"Guys it's like 12:30 pm, i'm tired!!!" Josh whined completely changing the topic, I awed with Trix. He may be 15 but sometimes, especially when sleepy he acts like a total child.

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