✔Chapter 9-Zion

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A/N *Warning* Chapter is kinda sady

Just a reminder (✔) means the chapter is edited.

Cara P.O.V

I woke up with a start, I don't remember exactly what happened but I do remember being scared. Usually I would remember my dreams but this time I didn't and that freaked me out a bit.

It was still pretty early so I stayed up with Ginger who kept me company till 6 am.

I got up and did my usual routine. I was wearing a white T-Shirt that read I <3 you and jeans. I then ate breakfasts then left for school. I was kinda distracted by the questions I had for Zion building up. In maths Josh, Ain and I started to work on our project, it was coming along pretty well. I brought the Bristol board and glue, while Ain brought scissors and tape and Josh brought the finished plans, markers and rulers. We were the only group that had started to construct. Ain and Josh were getting along, kinda, they kept throwing gabs at each other then laughing.

"Hey," I look up from my locker to see Zion, he was wearing a gray hoodie that read American Eagle and jeans. "Heya" I waved, "You still on for tonight?" He asked, I nod "yup." He nods then starts to walk away, something is wrong.

"Hey wait. Come eat with me?" He shrugs.

"Hey guys!" I say as I sit next to Josh, the table erupts with 'hey,' 'yo' 'heya' and 'yup'. "Mind if Zion sits with us today?" "Nah," "cool." Zion sits in the free seat next to me and sets down our trays that he oh so gentlemanly asked to carry. "Mr. Dominique made this girl in my class cry today. She was totally embarrassed!" Jenny says snickering, "that's not nice!" I say taking a sip of my sprite. "Yeah ok mom. It was though."

Zion was really quiet and seemed distracted, I looked at him taking him all in. His brown hair swept back nicely and fit body, but his eyes. They were really distant and dull.

I frowned, this isn't the Zion I'm used to.


"Hey wait up!" I look behind me as I leave the school building, I see Ain, "hey," "yo, I hear Zion is taking you out tonight." "Yeah did he tell you or did your guards by my window tell you." I ask giving him a pointed look, "hey if I can't live with you and keep my eye on you then it's my job to at least know how you are." I roll my eyes, "yeah ok."

We walk to the bus stop and just in time to, "see us later!" He shouts as the bus starts to move with me on it. I wave.

At home I grab a snack and go straight to my room, bathing and eating. By that time it was 6:30 still really early, I sigh. Can't time fly faster!!

I play with Ginger then after she falls to sleep. I run down the stairs and straight into my mother, "hey mom," "hello Cara what's the rush?" I shrug, she raises an eyebrow but doesn't comment. I walk past her to the living room where Trix and Jenny were, they were talking.

I walked around the house more and found Max in the game room with Damion, a pack member I recognize from school.

I found Josh in his room, he was doing some work or something.

Making my way back to my room I say that it had gotten darker, finally!

I went straight to my room locking my door on the way in and opening the window. The cold night air hit me and my hair flew in different directions as it blew, it was September meaning the winds would only get colder from here. I was enjoying the feeling even if my hair gets fuzzy and blown out. "You look like a puff ball." I deep voice comments from under me making me jump slightly, I look to see Zion in a T-Shirt and baggy sports pants.

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