✔Chapter 6-Date?

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A/N Zion's wolf on side! His name is Mark. Just as handsome as Daniel (Ain's wolf)
You guys are the absolute best, 30 votes!?!?!?!? WOW I never expected this story to be all that, thank you all so much.

Cara P.O.V

The uneasy feeling still lingered in my mind as Ain drives us to a 'secret' lactation. Honestly I was happy that I finally found my mate but I felt like I was abandoning someone and I just want to cry. "You OK?" Ain asks as he gives me a side glance while trying to keep his eyes on the road. I sigh softly and look at him, "yes thanks for asking. Where are we going?" he looks uncertain but keeps quiet. "What part of its a secret didn't you understand? " he jokes. I pout, "Are we at least close?" he nods.

I look out the window and the only thing I see is forest literally.

After a while he slows down and parks, he take a blind fold from his pocket and smirks at me. "Ready?" "As ready as I'll ever be." he puts the blind fold on and I hear his car door open and close, the mine open. "Shall we?" he takes my hand and helps me out the car. We walk for a bit, I could hear the grass being mashed under our shoes. "Ready?" I nod. He takes off my blindfold and I gasped, a beautiful clearing with a hammock and picnic. i smile and turn to hug him tightly.

 i smile and turn to hug him tightly

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"I'm guessing you like." I giggle, "I love it dummy." Ain frowns. "I'm not dumb," I shrug.

Ain held my hand and we walked to the picnic, I sat on the hammock while, Ain sat on the blanket. I didn't know what to say, but while we sat in awkward silence looking at each other, I admired his blue eyes and curly brown hair. I unconsciously reached out to brush a bit of his hair from his face, keeping my hand on his cheek we looked into each others eyes, he smiled and leaned in, I was going with it until my heart clenched and an immense pain entered my chest.

i leaned away and let out a shaky breath. What the hell was that!! Ain stood up and held my hand tightly as I closed my eyes, swallowing hard. "Cara, Cara! You OK!?!?" I don't say anything for a bit till it eases up then nod. "What happened?" I look up at him, "I don't know." my voice was shaky and uneven "Should we go to the doctor?" I shake my head, "No I'm OK. I promise." he kissed my cheek.

"It's about time we get going." I raise my eyebrow, "We aren't leaving, we are just going on an adventure. Stay here." he goes behind a tree, soon a familar pure white wolf with green eyes comes out, he comes up to me and licks my face. I pet him softly and he purrs like a cat, I giggle, he nudges me and points towards his back, "You want me to climb on?" he nods, I climb on holding onto his neck. He runs into the forest, jumping over fallen trees and dodging branches.

I hear music and screams of joy. "Amusement park?" I ask as he stops, he nods and I get off, he goes behind a tree and shifts back. "Yup, we have fun here then go back for lunch." "Cool."

We go into the amusement park and go on 5 roller coasters and a few merry go rounds, then at about twelve thirty we headed back to eat lunch, lunch was delicious and we had fun. We got into a small dumb fight over who should have the last sandwich, he ended up over me while i giggled and he tickled me. I enjoyed myself very much, after we cuddled to about six thirty. For some reason he said we had to go back to the amusement park.

He talked secretly to the manager, then walked us to the Ferris Wheel we sat in the car then it started to move, "What were you talking to the manager?" Ain shrugs, I give him a 'really?' look, he just smirks.

We get to the top and we suddenly stop moving. "Look up." I look up to the sky and the most beautiful sunset lay in the sky. "It's gorgeous!!!!" I gawk at the sky as I feel warm and comforting arms go around my waist, I snuggle into Ain's chest as the sun goes down. When the sunset is finished we go back down to the ground.

"Thank you so much for today." "It was my absolute pleasure. My wolf loved it too." Ain kisses my head and then my cheek, out of no were a furious growl is heard. Ain stands in front of me and growl at an unfamiliar wolf that was bearing his fangs at us, "Mine!" the wolf growled. Both Ain and I looked at each other then back at him, "What is your issue?' Ain growls out.

"Your kissing my mate!" I tilt my head and shake my head at him, "Um, no i'm not." I say standing beside Ain, "Yes you are!! Why can't you feel the bond?" "She's fourteen." Ain says letting up and standing up straight, the two look into each others eyes. Ain held my hand and followed the other guy into the forest, they shifted into their wolves. Ain into his white wolf with green eyes and the other guy with his white fur bright blue eyes.

They nuzzled each other then stepped back and bowed. The fudge is happening? They shifted back, "Zion." "Ain" they call each others names then smile at me, "Cara," they both say, smiling. My bones hurt and they start to crack in a sickening way. I can't possibly be shifting!! Can I? No i'm way to young. 

I double bet in pain and whimper out in hopes they'd help me, but nobody did.. my skin felt like their were thousands of sharp pins being stuck into it and I couldn't help but cry, then everything went black l.

The nect time I'm conscious the whole bone cracking and pain is over and I sigh in relief, I look down to see PAWS!?! I look up to see Zion and Ain smiling proudly at me. "Hi I'm Zion." I nod and lick at his hand he had on my nuzzle. "To shift back think of yourself as a human," I nod and try to stand up butto no avail i probably loked like a baby der standing for the first time.

I tried again and this time it was a success, I go behind a tree, then shift. Someone hands me their shirt and I put it on. Both boys smile at me widely, "You look nice in my shirt." Ain says, Zion glares a bit but then nods.

We go in the car, including Zion. "So you guys were on a date?" I nod while Ain frowns at Zion. "Question, were you telling the truth when you said you were my mate?" Zion nods and Ain sighs, "Unfortunately he is." "How do i have two mates?" they shrug, "For some reason we could tell what each other were." I shrug and my head hurts, "You know what right now all I wanna do is sleep." they nod. we then head to my place, they drop me off they both give me kisses on the cheek. Then leave.

A/N This chapter has 1305 words. Yay!! Hope you guys like this!! I am very great full to everyone seriously. Summer has started so that means more long updates, hope you all enjoy your summer vacation.






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