✔Chapter 2-School

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A/N Cara on side.

Hope you enjoy guys,

Cara P.O.V

I feel like I got no sleep last night, I'm still so very tired. Sigh, I look over at my alarm clock, 5:45 A.M might as well get up, I don't think I can fall to sleep again now.

I turn my head back around to see Josh happily sleeping his life away, I give him a peek on the lips before slowly sliding from in his warm grasp and heading to the bathroom.

I take a long warm shower, brushed my teeth and got ready. I wore a gray shirt that doesn't fully cover my stomach, it has a Miney mouse on it, with skinny jeans and black converse.

I exit the medium sized walk in closet to see an awake but sleepy Josh, "Morning gorgeous." I blush, "Hey, i'm making pancakes want some?" Instead of answering me he gets up and pecks me on the lips, "I'll take that as a yes," I giggle, he winks and leaves to get ready for school.

I grab my phone and backpack, sticking my red beatz into my phone and sliding them onto my head playing Owl City- I'm Coming After You, before I leave the room I look at the time, 6:20 A.M. I skip down the two flights of stairs to the kitchen.

"Morning!" I say, my mom and dad look at me my dad laughing and mom frowning while trying to suppress a smile. I take the headphones off resting them on my shoulders, "What'd I do?" I ask worried, "Look at yourself in the mirror sweet pea." my dad says, I run to the body length mirror in the Living room.

Why is there a body length mirror in the living room? For moments just like this.

I look at myself to see my pony tail not in properly and one of my jean legs not rolled up properly. "Oops?" I grin at them, they chuckle, I give them kisses before running up the stairs to fix myself then back down to the kitchen.

I get out some flour, eggs, salt, vanilla essence and milk, dish out the ingredients into a bowl and mix while swaying my hips to the next song Seventeen- Pretty you. I start the fire putting a pan on it, then pour some batter into the pan. I twirl around the room grabbing the spatula and dancing back over to the fire, I flip the now formed pancake, and wait till it's ready and put it on a plate.

I keep doing this while listening and dancing to bad blood by Taylor Swift. Soon all the batter is gone and in it's place stacked on two plates are about 20 pancakes each.

Some rude human, well were human, stole my headphones and I turn around glaring at Jenny. "Did I say to take my headphones?!" I ask, she shrugs "Nope." she says popping the 'p'. I roll my eyes at her "Give them back." she grins, "Hell no! This is my favorite song." I growl, you really shouldn't mess with my music.

Trix enters the kitchen just in time for me to swipe at Jenny, she dodges taking my phone from my pocket and runs. I chase after her, "Can I have breakfast!" I hear Trix shout, "Whatever!" I reply. "Watch out!" Jenny shouts laughing her but off at a very pissed me. I corner Jenny growling ready to pounce, two pairs of muscular arms stop me, "You'll regret scratching her eyes out." Max informs on my left, "Jenny why would you get her angry so early?" Josh asks on my right. "Firstly she wouldn't hurt me, secondly because she is so easy to annoy!" Jen giggles. She is right I would never actually hurt her.

I huff pulling my arms out of the boy's grip, Jen hands me back the phone and headphones. "Thank you." "Your welcome."

We quickly eat breakfast, with little banter, before running out the house and catching a bus that heads off to school.

We were the first kids from our pack to get off the bus, and so we got stares and whispers. Some boys were wolf whistling at us.

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