✔Chapter 10-Pup

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A/N Christa on side. So cute! Enjoy. Ok so those who read all of my books you will find this  song in every one cause I love this song .

Zion P.O.V

I can't believe I let myself be so weak, I promised myself I wouldn't cry but yet there I was in my mates arms crying.

After that... I woke up maybe an hour later and took her home before conning here.

" Zion?" I look up to see my little sister, Christa. She was in her pajamas, her hair was all over the place and she was rubbing her eyes. I got up from my cup of coffee at the kitchen table and picked her up.

I sat her sleepy head on her chair in the kitchen while I got her breakfast. "Where were you las' night?" she asks, I set her my little pony plate in front of her, "out with my mate. Sorry I wasn't there to put you to sleep." I kneel down and kiss her head, she hugs me, "its k." "Eat up." She turns to her food and starts to eat.

I didn't get much sleep last night, I tried but I kept getting nightmares. So I'm already dressed for school, I made breakfast a few minutes ago and set out Christa's clothes for Elementary school.

Taking care of Christa has been difficult. A few years back when I was 13 I got found out and there was a whole court case on whether I am 'capable' of taking care of Christa. As you can see I won, barely. There was this old man that took us in and he said he'd help, he died last year, sadly. Naturally after he died I saved up and moved from California as soon as possible, we had a few problems with getting on the plane but yeah. Fake passports really helped.

I have a baby sitter who is sworn to secrecy and the school she goes to belongs to the baby sitter's sister, so no worries there. And I work after school at a dinner, I try my best to give Christa the best, cause she deserves it and so much more.

The only major problem was that she kept asking about a mother. You see I have told her a million times I am her brother but she still thinks of me as her father, but she calls me Zion. Anyways back to the point, I told her that mommy is a fairy queen and she has to stay in the palace to watch over her.

I know, I lied. But you look into that cute face and tell her she has no mother, while all her friends from school and the park have a mother.

I heard a loud crash and my heart beat speed up as I ran down the stairs, to see Christa on the floor near the sink, her plate next to her and little pieces of food on the floor. "Hey, you ok?" I picked her up dusting her night gown of little peices of food. "Yes please." I kissed her cheek, "what happened?" "I was trying to put the plate in the sink and I slipped, sorry." "Aww thank you, little helper. You did your best." She smiled brightly and clapped.

"Go get undressed and I'll come help you take a bath." She nods running up the stairs. I quickly wash her plate and sweep then head up stairs.

I helped Christa take a bath then let her choose an outfit. She put it on with a little help from me and we were ready to go. Her sitter makes her lunch and brings it to school for her. I but her in her boaster seat and we are off.

 I but her in her boaster seat and we are off

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