Is it to late now to say sorry

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So dallas did it she officially got sick of me. Or should I change that to I made dallas get mad at me. I've been at nana and pops now for 3 days. She was ignoring my callas not replying to any texts. I now belive I pushed her to far.
Nana has been great company the last few days we have done everything together that we have wanted to do for ages and yes she even had a word with me about saying sorry to dallas when she came to pick me up.
It was now 3:30 pm I didn't know if I would be here another day or what but I decided to go shopping with pops to get some food in. On the way back we were pulling into the drive I peered over the seats to see if dallas car was there and it wasn't the smile flew off of my face but another car was parked next to grandmares it could be dallas but in her friends car I though or her work friends who she always goes on about haveing nice cars. I leave pops to grab the bags and I race inside.
"Nana" I said I could here her talking but I don't know we're from
"Dallas" I called
I walked further around and looked in the kitchen they were not there and in the liveing room still not there.
" look dallas Iam sorry ok" I shouted
"Milly" nana called
"Where are you?" I responded
"Just stay there ok I'll be along in a bit" she said worrying

I put seances together and knew where she was she was in the back room at the back of the house which she never used unless she had a migraine and needed rest or quite time. I walked along and the door was shut. I think she could of had a migraine again and I didn't want her to be in pain along.

I opened the door and to my horror I see the one person I did not expect to see. The one woman who left me all for her fans. It was my mam. I froze at the door nana had her hand on her face. And demi started to tear up.
"I. I. I just. Wanted to know if dallas rang?" I said facing nana with my back to demi
" not yet hunnie I promise you see will come soon she can't live long without you" nana said holding her arms out I left her arms and walked back to the door.
"Do you not want to join us?" Nana asked
"Pops needs my help I think" I said starting to cry
As I pulled the door she lifted her head up and turned to me. He one person who has never spoke to me since I've been 5 and I apparently lost all my cuteness. She caught my eye
"Milly" demi said
"Milly please let me explain" she continued starting to get up

As she did I ran out the door and back to safety in the kitchen with pops crying my eyes out.

Now your just somebody that I used to knowWhere stories live. Discover now