Seungyoun Imagine

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Seungyoun stepped out of the car. Taking his first breath almost choking himself with guilt. His eyes roamed around. The place didn't change, not even one bit. Every speck of sand, every drop of sea water, the sound of the waves, the touch of the sun, he remembers everything.

"Let's go?" his mom pats his back but Seungyoun decided to stay behind. The sun was almost down. He hurried to the seashore to watch the sunset. It was fascinating. The way the sea turned yellow as the water slowly swallows the sun.

Seungyoun pulled out a conch shell from his pocket. He placed the seashell up to his ear. Slowly closing his eyes, listening to the ambient noise of the rolling waves. He felt a sting in his heart. For years, putting up a smile and pretending he's fine but deep inside he swallowed his vomit twice.

The memory flashed back again. It was 10 years ago. He was your best-est friend. You did almost everything together, even baths.

But you died.

Seungyoun blamed himself for your death.

It happened on an ordinary day during your summer vacation. His family and yours went to the beach.

"Seungyoun! Look what I got!" you ran towards him. Seungyoun had his back turned as he watched the sunset. You waved the conch shells you had in your hand and jumped infront of him. He was crying and mad.
"What's wrong?"

"You're leaving for US and you're not gonna tell me?" he started crying even harder. He used to be a cute crybaby when he was young.

"Don't be sad, I'll still call you. Here, I got you a gift." you dragged the shell infront of him, "If you listen to it you'll hear the ocean. That way you'll remember me and won't be lonely anymore."

"Try it." you were just about to put it to his ear when he grabs the shell from your hand.
"I don't want you to go! I won't let you! Stupid (y/n)!" he yelled and threw the shell with all his might.

It went really far and you tried to recover it. You ran towards the sea, heading to the part where the shell sank.

Seungyoun turned his back and stomped off, wiping off his tears. He felt bad and guilty with what he said. He knew how harsh his words were and it probably hurt you but pride took over him.

Seungyoun was just about to head to their room when he turned back to look at you but you were gone. He walked back towards the shore, looking where you might have gone.

"(Y/n)!" he called out but no one answered.
"(Y/n)! Where are you?" he screamed your name once again as he slowly entered the water, inch by inch. Suddenly he felt something roll by his feet that was carried by the current. It was the conch shell, Seungyoun slowly picked it up.
"Ya! I'm not in the mood for games (y/n)!"

He ran to the rooms but you weren't there. He came back to the sea, screaming your name and crying.

Your parent were told about it. They asked the Management to conduct a search but you were no where to be found. It's been days, weeks, months, but still, you weren't found.

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