Xiao Imagine

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"The forecast said it's going to be sunny, why the hell is it raining!" Xiao whined as he leaned on the moisten window.

"You don't watch the news, Xiao."

"I don't care, It was sunny two minutes ago."

"The weather's perfect." you shrugged.

"Not perfect for skating." he shot back. You ignored him and flipped the page of your science book as you continued highlighting.

"What are you doing?" he peeked at the side of the desk.
"Studying for our exam."
"What exam?"

You sighed in disbelief, "Our exam? This Wednesday?"

"What? But it's still Monday, it's too early to study. Let's just play."

"You're 16."

"Since when did you get so boring, (y/n)?" He folded his arms and pouted, "We used to play tag before."
"That was before we get into highschool. We need to study so we could go to college and get a nice job."

"Wow." he said sarcastically and gave you a slow clap, "and work our ass off until we die, great."
You rolled your eyes and went back to your book.

Xiao threw himself on the sofa and began humming. He must be really bored with his life, his tone was getting huskier and lazier.

He would sit by the window and watch the raindrops race down. As long as he doesn't bother you and break your mom's vase while he skates inside the house, he's free to do anything.

"Hey (y/n)!" he ran towards you, flapping the arms of his sweater which is a bit oversize.

"Knock knock?"
It was stupid but you knew he won't stop if you don't respond, "Who's there?"


"Hatch who?"

"Bless you ~" he ran around the house laughing at his own joke, leaving you pestered.

"Knock knock?" Here he goes again.
"Stop bothering me, Xiao."
"Come on (y/n) ~"
"Ugh, who's there?"
"Hawaii who?"
"I'm fine, thank you. How're you?"

Oh my god, I swear I'm so close to slapping him dead.
"Can you not do this right now Xiao, I'm trying to study."

"Wait wait wait, Knock knock?"
"Who are you? Please leave."
"Boo hoo."
"Boo hoo who?"
"Oh don't cry it's just a joke.

Gaaaaahd! Stop! My head's aching. Someone get this kid away from me, I might be charged with child abuse and homicide. You tried to keep your cool as you ran your hand on your face even if youur inner voice is already creating an uproar.

"Last last last." He leaned forward facing you. You slammed your book close, getting tired of his nonsense.

"This better be or I'll kick you out of the house, Lee Dong Yeol.
"The woman you love."
"The woman you love who?" you responded in a more uninterested tone.

"Cause I'm gonna love you, like I'm gonna loose you ~" he started singing. It was beautiful. Every word felt like it was spilled from the heart.
"I'm gonna hold you, like I'm saying goodbye ~"

He stopped singing. You were busy admiring him that you forgot about the joke.
"Wait? Where's the woman you love?"

"Infront of me."

I am back from hell week, I thought I won't come back alive.

Anyway, this imagine is for @mnjanie it's short but I hope you liked it. The jokes are so lame too omggggg it's making me cringe help. For everyone reading this I apologize for all the sufferings you've encountered through Xiao's jokes. //90° bow

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