Jr. Imagine

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Traces of tears are visible on his cheeks.

The eyes that smiled when he sees you are now red and swollen.
The smile you've always loved have turned into a frown.

It all happened in a flash,

You were driving home from work.
You accidentally dropped your phone while driving.
He was on the other line when you reached for it under the chair.

The screeching of the wheels.

Your scream.

The explosion.

The crash.

He heard everything.


You can't move. He dares not to let go of your hand as you feel teardrops fall on it.

"Stay with me (y/n)" he says repeatedly, "Please, don't leave me."

You wanted to tell him you're still there but you couldn't. You wanted to wipe his tears and tell him it's going to be fine, but you just can't. You couldn't even shed a single tear.

Am I dead? You thought to yourself.


You heard the door open, Jinyoung was speaking to someone.
"It's for the good Mr. Park, we can't leave her suffering."
"Are you sure you can't do anything? Please, there must be something you can do."

It hurts you to hear his voice tremble while begging. You can hear his loud cries. He's been crying non-stop, he must be really hurting. He's going through a lot. You heard the door shut close, you're alone with him again.


"(Y/n)?" He calls out, his voice filled with pain, "Can you hear me?"

Yes. Yes, I can hear you, I'm here. You tried to speak, to shout, but not a single word was heard.

"Please fight, please fight with me." I will.

"Hold on." he took a deep breath, you know too well that this is the only way to calm him, "It may sound selfish but I want to keep you like this. I don't want to let you go (y/n). The doctor said it's impossible for you to wake up. Nothing's impossible, (y/n).

You're Sleeping Beauty and we'll live happily ever after, right?" he chuckles.
"If I kiss you, you'll wake up, right?" he starts tearing up again, "I wish those works in real life."


He brushes your hair away from the bandage wrapped on your head.
"I'm so happy you didn't get scratches in your face. It's funny how you look so beautiful even when you just got into an accident?"

"Please wake up." he begs, "I want to bring you to wonderful places, I want to wake up to that beautiful face of yours. I want to feel your warm hugs and kisses. I want to spin you around. I want to eat the food you cook, I promise I would eat my veggies. I want to hear you sing no matter how off tune it is, it'll forever be beautiful for me. So please wake up. Jagiya, please."


Jinyoung looks at your face for a really long time, "How can I let you go with that innocent face of yours?

But if it's to stop all the pain you're feeling right now, I'm willing to take it all even if it causes the death of me."


He leans closer to you, you can smell his scent, his breathe caressing your cheeks. He kisses your forehead for the last time.

"Sleep tight my sleeping beauty, this is a kiss of true love but I'm sorry it won't wake you up. I love you."

He pressed the emergency button and smiles at you.

I love you too, please smile more my little prince, you bid farewell.

He's ready to let go.

I should too.


"I'm ready Doctor."
"You fought well Ms. (y/n), sleep tight." the doctor whispered and gave you a warm smile. Jinyoung turned around and covered his ears while crying.

Just as he turned off the machine a tear came out from both of your eyes




A couple of years later.

Jinyoung was carrying white roses to your grave, he visited you along with your dog, Chu.

"How are you doing there (y/n). You better watch over me, except when I'm in the showers." he chuckles but he gave you a serious smile that showed his sorrow and sufferings through all the years, "The house feels empty when you're gone. Look! I brought Chu, he misses you a lot.


I miss you."


A gust of wind blew and it embraced him.

"Thanks for the hug Jagiya." he smiled as a tear escaped his eyes.

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