Yugyeom Imagine

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After clicking the small icon for full screen at the bottom of the video, the screen goes black. As you wait for it to load and your gaze fell on your reflection. What a complete mess. Those dark layers under your eye would make you look like the next dragon warrior. You stare at it as the words What have I done with my life goes on repeat in your head. Then it starts playing, you shrugged your thoughts off and began watching the 8th episode of the drama.


You heard the door opened and you paused the video to check who it is. Kim Yugyeom, your annoying roommate and the last person you wanted to see. Your gaze averted to the wall clock, it's 2 am why was he still out? Teenagers these days. You removed your laptop from your belly and placed it on the coffee table. After finally sitting up straight on the sofa you called his attention.


"Where have you been?" you asked in an angry tone but he ain't buying it. 

"Out." he replied.

"Out where? Do you know what time it is?" you folded your arms in front of your chest and tapped your right foot.

Yugyeom turned around and looked at his watch, "It's 2:03 if you really wanna know." He noticed the wall clock behind you and pointed at it, "There's a clock behind you, didn't you see it?"

"Ya! I'm serious!" you yelled. 


"Keep it down you two, it's too early to be fighting!" Youngjae scolded from his room, "Why don't you kiss and make up and go to bed."

He smirked and shuffled to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. Letting out an annoyed tiny squeal you lay back down and continued watching the drama. 


Yugyeom walked towards you as he drinks his water. Ignore him, just ignore him. He saw the huge bag of chips beside you and grabbed it.

"Ooh, sour cream. I love these." 

"Give it back." you snatched the bag from him.

"I just took a handful. That's too big for you, anyway. You're so selfish."


"And you annoy me!" you spat, "Selfish? I share my bias with 10829518376158273129 girls, what are you talking about?"

"That's the reason why you haven't got a boyfriend."


"For your information, I'm happy the way I am right now. Besides, the reason why I don't have one is because I don't want one."

"That's not what your eye bags told me." he takes another sip.

"Shut up! They're easily offended."


"Really, (y/n) get off the pc and meet up with a real guy, not some asian.. uh.. kimchi-chingchongs whatever they're called."

You stood up and walked towards him, "First that's (y/n) noona to you." 

Pulling his ear, you made him level your height, "Second, these kimchi-chichong's you're calling are 169% realer than your curtain-like bangs."


You could feel that he's starting to get annoyed as he slapped your hand away and licked his lips, grinning to the side.

"Lastly, I don't take orders from an 18 year old who locks himself inside the studio until 2 am, dancing."

"I'm actually pretty much like you but still.. differently." you added.


"Please." he laughed cockingly, "don't act like you know more about dating, you 19 year old virgin."

"I'm turning 20,"

"Nobody cares." he butted in.

"And I know enough about it." 


"Really?" Yugyeom moved into your personal space with just the right look of heat in his eyes. 

"Y-Yeah why?" you looked away. 

"What's the matter, are you feeling flustered?"a smile played on his face.

"N-No." You wanted to stop yourself from stuttering but it was too late for that. Your heart was starting to beat crazily without you knowing the reason.

"Oh, Your cheeks are turning pink. Now that's cute. Was it because of me?"


"I'm going to go back to watching the drama." you tried to flee but he got you cornered on the wall. 

Yugyeom brushes your hair back from your shoulder and moves in. He clutched his hands unto your hips, leaning you in against his muscular body; as a result you were weakened by his gentle seductive touch, "You're heart is beating so loud (y/n). Wait, should I call you (y/n) noona?"

Then he leans in to caress your neck, slow and gentle until his lips landed in front of your ears, "Or should I make you call me Oppa?" 


You swallowed hard. As much as you wanted to hit him and give him a good scolding, your lips quivering while his hands corner both your sides. Your breathing hastens, the intense rhythm of your heartbeat undergoes an irregular count. It was very hard to breathe.

Yugyeom stared into your chestnut brown orbs. The look in your eyes says you're afraid of him more than anything.

"Go on, say it. Yugyeom Oppa." he whispered making every hair in your body stand. 


"Yugyeom, stop it."  you tried to sound brave but your voice deceived you.

"Wrong answer." He dragged his face in front of yours. His dreamy eyes gazed on yours as a smirk crept on his face, "Why don't we try that again?"

Yugyeom Oppa. There's no way you're going to say that. You plan to stay hard-headed. If he wants you to call him Oppa, it won't be that easy.

"Why? Do you want me to teach you how to pronounce it?" Then he cups your face in his hands, your limp body began to tremble uncontrollably. He leaned down, resting his forehead against yours.

"Last chance, virgin." your noses touch.

"Yugyeom Op-"stifled a surprised gasp, his soft lips crashed onto yours, causing your body to flush with heat. Too late, you thought.

Your eyes have fluttered shut and in the darkness there was light exploding. Soft and slow, he tasted like hot chocolate on stormy evenings. Yugyeom looked at you, and he could see different emotions. His goal was to actually pull you out of your fears, and guess it's working pretty well according to his plan.                      

He slowly pulled away, leaving you gasping for air.

"So how was it?" he asked.


You attempted to hit him on his chest but your legs failed you. You couldn't even stand,  he had sucked everything including your soul. 




One sweet and smexy  imagine for @GiuliaCampora Thank you for requesting! Kisses from kookie ~

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