Chapter 3

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I woke up to the sound of a door closing a few doors down from mine and I walked out of my room to see who it was. It was 1 in the morning and I was gonna kill whoever woke me up. I need my sleep. As I was whining in my head I walked to my brothers door and seen him walking around getting his clothes for bed. "Jaydin, where were you all day?" He looked at me shocked that I noticed he was gone. "With my friends."

"Would it have killed you to call, I was worried." He ran a tan hand through his dirty blonde hair.

"Sorry, I got a little caught up."

"A little? It's 1:15 in the morning!"

"Don't yell at me! I said I'm sorry."

"Maybe if I knew where you were I wouldn't be so worried all the time."

"I'll tell you sooner or later where I go all the time but until then just guess."

"Ok now go to bed. We have school and you woke me up." I hit him across the chest with a pillow and he chuckled. "Goodnight little sis." He ruffled my hair and my face went blank. He chuckled again and laid down in bed. "Goodnight big bro." After that I walked out and back to my nice comfortable bed where I collapsed and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.


"Aebree, oh Aebree." I heard someone calling my name and mumbled "Go away and let me be you monster." I heard a deep chuckle and turned onto my stomach and put a pillow over my head. "Aebree, wake up sleeping beauty."

"I don't wanna though." Suddenly my blanket was pulled away from me and I sat up and screamed, "Give me my blankie you jerk." Again there was a chuckle and he, whomever the devil was, fixed the blanket and I curled up into it. The bed dipped and I felt an arm around me but I was too tired to care and fell back asleep to a soft snoring sound coming from beside me.


I woke up snuggled into my warm pillow. I don't remember my pillow being this warm or hard. I felt something move around my waist and jumped up. When I looked down in bed I was more than surprised and I screamed. "Holt? What the hell are you doing in my bed?"

"Good morning sleeping beauty." He looked up at me with a smile and I felt butterflies in my stomach. "What are you doing in my bed Holt?"

"Well I came to wake you up after your alarm was going off for about 10 minutes but you wouldn't get up and I was too tired to walk back to my house so I laid down here and you cuddled up against me." I was dumbstruck. He sat up and I noticed he was only wearing khaki shorts and no shirt. I saw his shirt laying on my floor by the bed. "Would you please put your shirt on?"

"Why? Is it distracting you princess?"

"No it's just inappropriate."

"I can very inappropriate if you want me to." He winked at me and patted the bed and me being me I sat down. He wants to inappropriate, I'll show him inappropriate. "Holt," I cooed. "Yes princess?" I straddled him and kissed his neck. "Aebree what are you doing?"

"Being inappropriate." I kissed his neck softly and his arm wrapped around my waist. I ran my fingers through his hair and gently pulled his hair. "Aebree," he moaned my name and it gave me goose bumps. "Holt," I moaned his name and he threw me on the bed beside him and got on top of me and started kissing me. We got into a very heated make out session until he start unbuttoning my pants. I pushed his hands away. "Holt, stop." Why am I feeling the way I do now? I barely know him but I feel so safe and comfortable with him. Must be some weird bad boy infatuation.

"Sorry Aebree, I got kind of caught up in the moment."

"It's okay."

"Now get up and dressed. We're going out."


"It's a surprise!" He looked at me and smiled. I stood up and went to my black wood dresser. "Well you go to your house and get ready and I'll stay here and get ready."

"When will you be ready?"

"I'll call you."

"You don't have my number."

"Did I say I'd call your phone? I will yell for you then. See you later." I pushed him out the door and threw him his shirt. "Well see you later then." He said this with a fake hurt voice and I softly laughed.

A/N~ I know I said i was going to post another story while I edited this one, but I've been busy and forgot to edit the other one too.

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