Chapter 4

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I am sitting on my bed waiting on Holt to get here. He should be here in about 10 minutes. I am wearing a pair of black skinny jeans and a pretty white blouse and I'm gonna pair it with a pair of black flats. My make-up consists of some concealer, foundation, natural color eye shadow, and nude lipstick. I heard a honk outside and grabbed my purse and put some essentials in it, sprayed some of my glittery perfume on my wrist and rubbed them together. I ran down my stairs after taking my phone off of charge and grabbed my keys off the living room table. I opened the door and was met with Holt in a white long sleeved shirt rolled up to his elbows, black jeans, and black adidas. When we seen each other we let out a few small laughs and I turned to lock the door. "Matching are we?"

I laughed and said," I guess we are." He smiled and grabbed my hand gently in his hand. "Let's get going, shall we?"

"Let's go." To be honest I was excited about this date. I might not know where we were going but I do know it will be fun and as long as I can spend it with Holt it will be better. He walked me to his car and opened the door for me, whoever said chivalry was dead obviously doesn't know Holt. "Thank you."

"You're welcome ma 'lady." I laughed lightly and sat down in the seat and put on my seatbelt as he just opened the door. When he closed his door I turned on his radio and immediately one of my favorite songs came on.

"She looks so perfect standing there in my American apparel under wear,

And I know now that I'm so down,

Your lipstick stain is a work of art I got your name tattooed in an aloe heart and I know now,

I'm so down." I heard a chuckle next to me and stopped singing along with the music.

"Nothing it's just I didn't figure you were one to have fun." I placed a hand on my heart in mock hurt. "Excuse me mister I can be fun." He smiled a genuine smile and looked back towards the road. "Yeah I'm sure you can be, but we will find out sooner or later."

"When? Maybe tonight."

"Yeah tonight when you're screaming my name?" I gaped at him in shock and slapped his arm.

"Shut up!" I looked ahead at the road and didn't say another word. "Sorry Aebree, I didn't mean to upset you." He looked at me with sincerity and I believed he was so I turned back to him and smiled. "It's okay.'

"Guess what."


"We're here." I looked up to see a beautiful sunset picnic set up in the clearing looking out over the town. I was speechless. I saw Holt looking at me with a weird expression that I only caught a flash of before I turned back to the view. "It's beautiful."

"Yeah you are." I looked at Holt and he wasn't paying any attention to the sunset but he was staring at me with fascination. My cheeks flamed red and I looked down and he took my hand and led me to a blanket with our food spread out on it. The wind blew the smell of the food in my face and I think I almost started drooling. I also shivered then remembered I didn't bring a jacket and mentally cursed myself. Holt must've seen me shiver because he ran to his car and brought back a blanket and rested it on my shoulders. I looked up at him and took the opportunity to check out his features and really look at him. He caught me and smirked. "Like what you see, oh wait you can tell me when you're done checking me out." I gaped at him and he smirked even more. "Thank you for the blanket."

"No problem." He smiled and looked out at the town with the sunset behind it and I looked at him again. He has a nice jawline and naturally tanned skin. "Ready to eat?"

"Yeah." He got some plates out of the picnic basket and we started eating. One dish was of course pizza thank god because I've been craving pizza forever. He also had some chocolate covered strawberries in the basket and he fed me one. "Open up." I opened my mouth and he placed the strawberry on my tongue and waited for me to bite it off of the stem. I bit down and we finished everything off after a while I started getting colder and tired. "You really surprised me tonight."

"I'm glad, I wanted this to be a special date."

"Don't get all cheesy bad boy on me now." I smirked and he just looked at me confused and I laughed. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means you're a bad boy and if you start acting all cheesy you'll be a cheesy bad boy."

"How am I a bad boy?"

"All the girls you have dated a broke up with makes you a player, then the way you act makes you a douche, all of your characteristics that you show simply make you seem like the clichéd bad boy."

"Oh." He looked upset that I thought that about him but that's what everyone thinks so it's not just me. "Hey Holt?"


"I'm getting cold and tired."

"Okay come on then let's go." We started packing up everything and we walked back to the car. When we got in the car, another awkward silence settled over us and I wanted to break the silence so I reached to turn on the radio. The second my hand came into contact with the button his hand touched mine and electricity shot up my arm. I blushed and pulled my hand back quickly. He turned the radio on and as soon as I heard the song I was singing along. "What do you mean?

When you nod your head yes but you wanna say no, what do you mean? Ohhhhh." I heard a chuckle beside me and looked over to see Holt glancing at between me and the road with an amused smile. I smiled and blushed. "What? Is there something on my face?"

"No it's just I've had a lot of fun and seen a side of you that you usually don't show people."


"Yeah, I guess you can have fun Adams."

I smiled and laughed. "I guess I can." I stuck my tongue out at him childishly which earned me a loud laugh from Holt. We pulled into his driveway and he opened the car door for me and walked me to my door. I smiled. "Thank you for tonight."

"No problem, it was worth seeing you have fun for once." He smiled and I blushed again. "Goodnight Adams."

"Goodnight Stokes." I smirked and walked in and ran to my bedroom changing into a pair of shorts and a white camisole. I washed the make-up off my face and brushed through my hair. I looked out the window before climbing in bed and caught Holt's attention he smiled and took his shirt off and climbed in bed. I smiled back and turned off my light and as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out.

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